Alfonso Santos

Some Mexicans are annoyed by the stereotype. I don’t care. I’m glad my country is represented in a Mario game and think sombreros are a fun way of creating a, while stereotypical, fun and easily identifiable look, kinda like French and berets.

I wish that Mario Kart had characters from this series insted of Koopalings, babies and weird statues. This game has just so many quirky characters, it feels good when you find one that isn’t completely deranged. Those were my thoughts in Dream Team (I literally just finished it today) when meeting the seahorse guy.

Wait, you never had a horse shot to death by mounted Bokoblin archers? Or by an accidental multi-guardian encounter in the middle of Lon Lon Ranch Ruins? In case you were wondering, the spirit just teases you by saying you will suffer eternally if you ever do it again.

Yeah, if it was actual completely redesigned graphics I’d probably care. With 3U there was obviously a great advantage to playing on Wii U as 3DS lacked online multiplayer, which is 99% of the game, but considering the Switch costs 10,000 pesos in Mexico, I’d much rather play it on my 2DS. And even if it was announced

But how did the crates in Kakariko not despawn?

I didn’t even get to the point where I could make metal weapons and I got bored and stopped playing. Not even the dinosaurs kept me in.

But in Japan.

Well, I already love the animation. Holy crap, I really really really want this to be good. Also, you don’t blow on the NES cartridge from that far.

Does anyone but the author of Awkward Zombie still play Metal Gear V?

The leaf is that “weapon” that I never had in my inventory and always the first one I dropped. You can use cryonis instead of rafts, so there’s absolutely no need for the leaf to occupy space in the inventory.

Chrono Trigger? Since when is that a Nintendo IP? Kirby? They’ve made 3 (fourth coming) in the last 6 years.

I need more of these.

You can’t get it!!!!??? I stopped my mission of opening every chest I could find because of an impossible one? :(

You don’t find him first at stables. He’s all over the place, I found him in a rock on the sea.

Oh, so people had a problem with this? Can you stop getting insulted by everything?

Holy crap, Monster Hunter in Kotaku? What dimension is this?

Why have I not seen anyone complaing about the absolutely overpowered octoroks?

If only I could stop climbing everything I approach while walking around....

I just wanted to say the first time I played the game I escaped from the Floating Continent ONE second away from Shadow returning.

This reminds me a lot of Xenoblade Chronicles X. I guess the difference is that Final Fantasy XV is... well, that, and it spent years in development, so everyone wanted it badly, unlike Xenoblade which was for Wii U and not a lot of people cared about, particularly considering how rare the first game was here in