Alfonso Santos

I don’t get why people were expecting Niantic to release 100 more new Pokémon into the game one month after it released. I was thinking about this a while ago, and the time they took seems pretty normal to me.

Who the heck is Leah?

There’s a key difference here. If you’r going to wander around, they should make it worth it. In Super Mario Galaxy, Sunshine, 64, you have a hub world where you jump and run to find new stars to get and you see it change as you progress. That’s cool, I like it. Yoshi’s Wooly World has the same problem as Super Mario

In The Clone Wars we see another canon planet with a kyber crystal mine, just thought I should mention it. Also, am I the only one that actually doesn’t think about racism every passing moment?

This game has the most painful hidden collectibles ever.

This doesn’t explain the existence of the car-flies in the first movie.

I never liked the classic MegaMan series, it’s too slow, and I’m not a fan of the 8 bit graphics. Everything about X is fantastic.

But... you clearly see the Millenium Falcon land there, and Krennic’s shuttle come out of there, it obviously isn’t.

Exactly what is Dark Souls slyle combat?

Sniper class is tough life. If you win the game, the opposite team will get pissed at you; and if you lose your team will put the blame on you because you literally just have to pick up kills from a safe distance. I feel bad for sniper players, but I commend them for their skill because I can’t even land a single hit.

Actually you can’t dash in the air in MegaMan X. X2 introduced that, if I remember correctly, and not every game features it.

Has the author of Awkward Zombie played any game but Metal Gear in the last year?

Justice League could be the biggest movie if it’s good. I’m sorry, but if there’s a main Star Wars episode this year nothing else has the potential of being the biggest movie.

I’m not a huge fan of Symphony of the Night. I mean, I love the game and wish I had a PSX to play it whenever I wanted, but to me it’s just a re-skin of Metroid which took away most of the things that made Metroid so great. I prefer classic Castlevanias.

Also, apparently Cushing enjoyed being a part of the Star Wars universe and wished to have appeared in more movies. He would’ve liked this.

No Xenoblade?

People have told me they were surprised Peter Cushing was so well “conserved” after all these years, only to realize later he’s passed away. Leia at first I thought looked kinda weird, but after watching the movie for a third time I think they did a fine job with her as well.

Honestly I thought the number was way too high, even having in mind the fact that Pokémon previously caught didn’t count, that casual players had already finished the game, and that you had to register on th Global Link, the number is ridiculous. When I looked at it I simply didn’t even care about helping aside from

Wait... is it true? Awkward Zombie did a comic that’s not about Metal Gea..... 20 year old game.

Let’s not forget Guzma’s absolutely fantastic battle theme to add to all of this.