Alferd Packer

My problems w/Ahsoka (like you asked):

Are people still getting this wrong? “Frankenstein” and “Frankenstein’s Monster” are two different things - the first grows up from the floor, and the second grows down from the ceiling.

You’re spoiling the post-credits scene from the inevitable Turner D. Century film!

I don’t see an “Us vs. Them” framing in the article; I do see one in the way you immediately frame an article praising female characters as an us vs. them situation. Praise isn’t some zero-sum situation, and if you can only see “to the detriment of men” tacked on to praise towards women... why, it almost seems like

Godspeed on your righteous quest

We know that Sony has the resources to make not Spider-Man Spidey movies. We know they can make them bad. Do they have the moxie to make the sure fire lollapalooza that a Turner D. Century production would be?

Dipshit morons think of Joe Satriani as endless shredwank extraordinaire, while anybody who has actually listened to him in the context of his peers or even the current state of the art finds a relentlessly tasteful player whose worst sin is continuing to play in the limited genre of instrumental rock.

Non-Guitar-Center dorks, like me!

But since no one cares about or reads the comics or listens to Satriani records these days

Sam might be gone, but the tradition of having the weekend box office list be messed up continues.

I thought another story mentioned (in passing) that the anti-Juggler virus was found at the top of the Blood Spire.

There is that horrible cannibal worship scene that seems to go on forever that might keep it off the screen until the end of time, and, oh, that’s nice commenter/comment synergy there, I suppose.

I think I remember an interview with Banks where he said that was basically how he wrote it.

Who do you think used a sophon to give Liu Cixin the material for 3 Body?

Plus his transitioning for the movie, then de-transitioning when filming wrapped. 

and remember all the sex changes on Martin?

On Stranger Ties is a movie about pirate apparel, while the one you’re thinking of is On Stranger Tides (Disney bought the rights from Tim Powers and neglected to use the contents of the book, which may account for the forgettable nature of the film.)

Hopefully, he takes this further and refuses all modern medicine/treatment, sanitation, hygiene, and everything thing else that can’t be cured by priests and witchdoctors. Yeah, fuck science! Right, tough guy? 

I remember trying to play Alone in the Dark as a kid. I could never get past the first couple screens.

That pic up top looks *nothing* like Edward Carnby: