Alferd Packer

to be somewhat fair, this sounds like it’s pretty in line with the book.

Congratulations pranksters, you got to have a conversation with Tucker Carlson. Talk about a self-own

I think Kate should lean into it and just keep releasing progressively more and more ridiculous photoshops.

Demme didn’t intervene on Glaudini’s behalf

We’re gonna need some more FBI guys, I guess.

I’m disappointed that Brosnan had so little respect for geological features. Did he learn nothing from playing Dr. Harry Dalton, noted volcano expert, in Dante’s Peak (1997)?

Plus he can actually act!

As long as silly articles are written about silly movies, there will be a need for silly comments.


I feel like superhero flicks are really going to have their time in the sun this year:  Look for Marvel and DC movies to sweep most if not all of the categories.

Seriously, do they enjoy anything fun that doesn’t involve subjugating someone?


Shane Black “got him” in The Nice Guys

I knew what Metallica meant when they declared in that movie, “We fear Status Quo”, but as a Briton who grew up in the heyday of Rossi and Parfitt, I fell about laughing in the theatre.

Generally true, but an exception must be made for The Player.

Holy shit! I gotta find that episode now!

Oh, darn!  That stinks.  I tried to buy the soundtrack when it came out, only to discover it was digital only.  A sinister portent of the world we now live in. 

Saw Pt. 2 last night and I’ve never read the books. I enjoyed it immensely, but a lot of character development and motivations were unclear. I guess Paul is sorta breaking bad? But why? Because he has to? It’s not really clear only within the confines of the film.

No worries; a turtle riding a flying cloud will catch them with a fishing line before they hit the ground and deposit them safely back onto the track, helping himself to a few of their coins for his troublese.

If F1 is going full Wachowski’s Speed Racer, well, I guess I’m here for it.