Oh hell, give me the goddamn soap!
I could watch this all day. That brief second of “Actually, I think I’ve stopped condoning violence.”. Cracking.
I had a shorter cut of The Matrix 2. It was better.
Good, I’m glad. First seasons often suck and it seems crazy to discount the prospect of a sleeper hit when you have the ability to make the content available forever.
That makes sense, I can see that working.
Nicholas Hoult is an interesting choice. Great actor but I’d never have thought of him for the role.
I guess you could have seen this and still have the synopsis read “Plot unknown.”. It’s how I feel about all the Transformers movies after the first one.
They’re not “Robots into pies”?!
Oh, sorry, I was talking to some seagulls.
Stop it now.
Amazing. He looks like a Thunderbirds puppet.
I’m inclined to agree with you. It’s pretty icky but I’m not sure that the information, as presented here, indicates he was grooming a kid.
While I can’t deny that it’s bad, I recently really enjoyed Dreamcatcher. I listened to the How Did This Get Made? episode first, which probably helps a lot.
A couple of toddlers, one presumes.
I can’t tell if you guys are winding me up.
The Coalition for the Liberation of Itinerant Tree-Dwellers?
Really? With their similar looks and the same surname? I think you jest.
Going up for the big prize against his brother again... yikes. If one of them wins I hope it’s Strong. Just for his sanity.
The Old Guard? I quite liked that one although I agree it wasn’t terribly memorable outside of a couple of scenes.