Alferd Packer

You may well be right but they’re about to open a fourth cinema with 15 minutes walk of me. Seems to be flourishing again.

And, based on the header image, Cuse could simply eat Lindelof if he stepped out of line.

I’m curious as to why I have not yet read the phrase “cock a snook” in relation to this. Perhaps I have not been perusing the appropriate organ.

Do you think the script has lines written for him? Or do they just put “Ryan does his thing” and assume he’ll fill the gap ten times over?

Lucky they had a better actor who looks like Barbie.

Oh, blimey, yeah, that is icky. I do tend to let entertainment wash over me and I guess I don’t think hard enough about any of this stuff. No doubt because I am white (and British - the worst combo!).

Really? hmm. That’s interesting. Isn’t the whole thing about how you can’t judge people by apperances?

It’s just bizarre to me that people who like Lord of the Rings that much are also racist shitbags. Did we read different books?

Good of him to be frank.

If you have to watch it the moment it comes out, you might as well wait for it to be on terrestrial TV. The whole point of paying for the service is so you can watch the damn thing when you want to.

Agreed. Would it be racist to make a film called “White Men Can’t Sprint”?

This is for Scoggins!

Not at a movie theatre, it couldn’t.

Well, I agree that Morbius was almost as good as the Venom movies.

Glad to hear that there was supposed to be a follow up to Alita because I really enjoyed it up until the ending, which is a bit of a damp squib.

Fire indeed bad.

I’m not an F1 fan but if someone were to offer me millions of dollars to drive a fast car... what is there to even think about? I guess my day job isn’t as exciting as William Hughes’.

Which is somewhat interesting... I hate work.

I’m in no position to comment (good family realtions, they mostly came to my Walk of Fame ceremony) but it seems telling to me that he refers to his sister as Carrie Fisher”.

I don’t know much about it and I’m not on anyone’s side but didn’t a British court find him guilty of hitting her? Presumably based on some evidence.