
with Ronal Teddies or nothing!

skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings

As we say around here:

The rule thumb we have at work is that if an engineer uses a tool they will hurt themselves. Once that happens there will be an over-reaction to forbid the tool from being used by anyone as there is a safety risk. The result is that nobody lets engineers handle tools and all is well. :-)

The estate of Henry Ford II refused to comment on this story

My cat does not like riding in cars.

No problem. I just called my time guy, and he's credited you with seven new minutes, to be implemented on March 16, 2015. You'll get them at 5:41 pm, and they'll end at 5:48 pm. I added the extra two minutes as my way of apologizing for all the suffering you've undoubtedly been through. Hang in there; we'll get