
I've always loved those wheels.


The two guys that won the Audi PR stunt are also the last two guys Audi wants to show as winning their PR stunt. Bravo.

Congrats to Jason Torchinsky and Neal Pollack of Yahoo! Autos for not only enduring the TDI Challenge but actually winning. Just wait until you find out how they drove 830+ miles on one tank of diesel. Story coming next week.

This needs more hyperbole, because I just watched the video and I 300% lost my ability to literally even.

Are you so rich off your inheritance that you don't know what a taxi medallion costs these days, Mr. Moneybags?

He probably comments on YouTube videos.

BMW should offer those accents in different colors. If they did, this plan would become a good plan.

Number 3:

I guess Karen changed her name back to Kitty, but couldn't find the scratch to re-buy her MG.

That's an excellent photo!

Needs more Hellcat. I don't care if it isn't on sale.

I know! It's actually McSeanerson. I'm going back to McSeanerson from I am Sam soon and was curious if Kinja would allow this.

Or maybe it was a

I wish you could downvote Kinja comments.