
Hook that sucker up to the intake and you've got free turbo!

Well that and the fact that a couple guys who write here have inexplicable piles of money (and the cars it can buy), thus obliterating, or at least obfuscating the egalitarian everyman car guy perspective from which the site should speak.

I'm sure the new 200 is a great car, but that is one awesome Batman: The Animated Series painting.

Chrysler: To Hit the Bullseye, Sometimes you just Need a Bigger Dart.

Henry Wolf's entire case was based upon his cock. A 20 month erection, but it turns out that it wouldn't stand up in court!

Delorean, hands down

Tesla Model S. You are allowed to buy it in less states every year!

This would never happen in Grand Theft Auto because those chain link fences are made of impenetrable transparent aluminum.