If you don’t like the content, there is a near-infinite of other options on the internet, my man.
If you don’t like the content, there is a near-infinite of other options on the internet, my man.
There are plenty of other websites out there with a different tone if this one does not appeal to you.
They were actually 6-1. Not undefeated, but still pretty dang tough!
I cannot discern if this is a joke or not. If it is, bravo. If not, I feel that this website may not be a place you visit often.
Your avatar is Clint Eastwood. I knew exactly what your comment would be before I read it. You made yourself irrelevant.
“If you want to hit a smash run out the damn park you have my blessing strong motherfucker” - Traditional Baseball Chant [1999]
Strict Christians seem to usually be sabotaging dickwads with a lot of condescension thrown in for the finishing touch.
Yanno, he could have declined the interview.
but I can’t recall a single instance where a coach firmly rooted in a successful NFL job and, on his own, decided “I’m going to go back to the college ranks because that’s where my heart lies” and left the NFL job.
He’ll be getting paid much more than $5-10 million annually. It seems that the going rate for a mediocre QB is at least $15 mill/year these days.
I rec’d then unrec’d this because it would’ve pushed you to 70 recs and this comment is too nice for that.
Deshawn Stevenson aka THE LEBRON STOPPER
Here is a 100% true story. My next door neighbor voted for Trump. He erected a “Trump Tower” of sorts in his front yard, consisting of several hay bales with a Trump sign on the top of it (I live in Kentucky. I know, fuck me). This man told me with a straight face that the National Enquirer is the most reputable news…
I’d say Popovich but both are good and strong men. I would 100% vote for a Pop/Kerr ticket in 2020.
This legitimately bums me out. Although I never met the man, he was a fixture in my life since I knew what basketball was. He seemed a sincere, legitimately awesome person. The world is a worse place without him.
The biggest twist is that after an entire season, 90% of the internet doesn’t know how to spell one of the main character’s names.
He’s had a winning record in three of his pro seasons. Not exactly lighting the world on fire, but more than zero.
Nearly everything you’ve said also applies to the 3-6-1 Cincinnati Bengals. Awful in the red zone, can’t stop the run, etc. Their wins have also come against shitty teams (Jets, Dolphins, Browns), they’ve just played more good teams who have done what you believe they will do to the Chiefs.