
Why do people still get excited about sex? It is literally the same thing over and over and over. And the last time I checked still worth a couple orgasms. The foreplay shit that lovers do in the bed has to be the most idiotic thing in all of interhuman relations.

With the heat of a thousand suns.

I look forward to reading 900 replies to this fucking ruining you for being a complete dipshit.

The content of this message is the third most unsettling part of this screenshot.

I’m waiting on a punchline, but I’m afraid it will never come.

I demand this staffer come forward. This is the most illogical thing I’ve ever heard.

As a Bengals fan, there is a silver lining here. If they suck all year, I can comfortably walk away from the NFL for good.

Listen here, palomino harm.

No beans is the only way I can enjoy chili. It is fine and not cheating. I’m from Ohio, so I’m probably an expert on shit chili.

This should be entitled “Winter is Bad.” It isn’t frigid in the fall. It’s perfect. I can wear pants or shorts, long sleeves or short sleeves. It is winter that you hate, that the buffer between it and summer. Sure, you can hate it for leading to winter, but autumn as its own entity is good.

This is an awful take. #StickToPunting

I wrote for the Bengals blog, Cincy Jungle, for a little less than a year. I thought it was cool at first, but I tired of working for no money very quickly.

Can confirm. I spent some time in Iraq and Kuwait and saw that trait show itself.

I believe you answered your own question pretty quickly.

I think I have another year or two in me as a Bengals fan before I completely give up on the NFL as a whole.

I tried to not read this, but succumbed after about five minutes. These spoilers upped my excitement to watch this shit, if anything. Also, I will gloat in my preseason prediction of Drogon eating it.

Right here, I knew that you and I would not agree on anything about what should be worn at work, or what should be done while at work. This article and your opinion belong in a dumpster. Good day.

This is how I frame the absurdity of Boston not making this trade.

This might be the most asinine statement I’ve read in 2017. Mind you, there’s a lot of competition too.

Go canuck yourself.