
I’m just here to say that this is a good article and more people should be reading and commenting on it.

Get out.

This was simple, yet incredibly effective.

Will you please come back for each of the ensuing WYTS articles?

This is a good shtick. I hope it continues.

I’m sure it’s just a matter of news cycles before someone with a true life-or-death profession radically misjudges how game the world really is and tweets an ill-timed self-congratulatory screenshot, but for now let’s agree to blissfully that assume working doctors are abstaining.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who does that. Whenever I need a pick-me-up, those seven words always do the trick. I’m giggling right now just thinking about it.

This was my second memory, my first being Super Bowl XXX earlier that year. I was a Sonics fan and this is my first memory of the team.

1996 must’ve been when I became sentient at eight years of age. I remember watching Super Bowl XXX and becoming a Cowboys fan for a short time because I was a stupid child. I also remember the Bulls-Sonics finals since I was a Sonics fan. That’s the first memory I have of the Sonics though.

Is it time to start remembering some guys? I remember those guys.


Are you really going to do this all season?

The Cardinals are the most overrated franchise in MLB history.

They would have to win their next 700 games to reach .500 all-time, as per baseball-reference.

Fuck you.

Could you direct me to the Trump version? I’ve been hoping such a list would be published.

All of those changes combined to yield a measly five horsepower?

+1 halfback counter

In the words of Teddy KGB, “Pay this man his money.”

I don’t mean to come off as easily swayed, but “Rumble Ponies” is certainly the best name. If you disagree, you’re wrong.