
I think this is a fairly dramatic response to what is a reasonable concern about Trumps abuse of the executive branch that was greatly expanded under Obama. You dont have to hate someone to be critical. Tavarish even insists that he hopes that Trump helps the American people. But a president picking winners and losers

So I know I am just yelling into the wind here, but the EPA moved forward with proposed determination on GHG emissions standards, NHTSA actually hasn’t put forward anything resembling a proposed determination on its 2022-2025 CAFE standards so its a little disingenuous to say the “EPA is locking down its standards of

A lot of this is pretty easily handled with doing your research. I learned (on this site in fact) about the wifi situation and promptly got a mobile hotspot to use when I needed.

Not to be pedantic but Urmson is Google’s former head of the AV project, he left just last month. 


The interesting thing that I think California politicians don’t understand, is that this is a huge economic opportunity. New potential infrastructure, jobs building and installing it, and the groundwork to be the future of transport.

When all he’s done is sign ex Cleveland Browns players and largely tapped out former pro-bowlers, I think its time for Grigson to go. He’s literally done nothing to prove he can manage building a roster.

Jesus Christ the cardinals are insufferable

I’m 25, live in D.C, and am about to move basically so I can buy a car. I guess I just don’t care...

A little tricky because I was under the impression it had to be UNDER 17 mins, rather than 17 mins or less. Spent more time than I had to trying to get the number to 16.

I didn’t think I would ever grow to hate Russel Wilson, but now that he has revealed himself to be a human spam-bot, he’s made me reconsider.

You have to applaud her message discipline...that Dave guy sounds horrible

I agree he is louder, but sometimes it takes precedence, and maybe it cant be helped but that doesn’t make it right.

Not too be too much of a homer, but Bryce Harper does this frequently. Both good players that are amazing at what they do yet Harp gets talked about when his hair looks nice, and Trout is applauded when he has a long tough AB...something wrong about that picture.

Applesauce isn’t supposed to look li-AHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I think if the Clippard situation is any indication, Storen wont be losing out on a lot of money, if he remains successful in whatever role hes in for whichever team it is, he will get elite closer money in 2017.

Zobrist makes some since considering Weth being out until August, but at this point, I would rather see them stick to Michael Taylor who is really the future of the outfield.

No doubt someone might pay him that money, but with Espinosa as the surprise of the season and a healthy Rendon, I dont see a spot for him in the line up any time soon if he keeps at this. My guess is they will try and rent him out to some team at the trade deadline and try and get some bench or bullpen help in

Not super convenient but its something

It would be one thing if you could toggle some of that bullshit on and off, but you can’t!