
My favorite drag race episode was always Season 4 Snatch Game.

Well…that actor is basically pigeonholed as "that guy" now. He's the loser dude from American Pie who fucked the pie. The only time I've ever seen him in a movie is when he's the loser guy with awkward sexual crap.

Right? Not only did they practically scream that sub-plot at that exact moment, but it's like the oldest trope in the book.

"no names, no shade"

There are certain things people can do to up their charisma, but there's often a certain quality of "charisma" which just cannot be taught. As Oliver said, you can't teach that shit.

b/c there USUALLY is a reason.

Yeah, something has been REALLY off with the edit this season…Last 2 seasons actually, IMO. Apparently during the Animal Runway episode, they brought a bunch of animals into the work room and made the queens do something crazy with them. I think Darienne said they brought in like an alligator or crocodile. Why didn't

Hey LuLu&Simon.
Simon, if I'm not mistaken, the specific oxymoron in LuLu's comment was "merely supremely." Being that merely connotes something that's so-so, while supremely is an excellent job.
LuLu, I think part of Bianca's "sanitized-ness" comes from the fact that she knows this is a major television show that will

Right? I was like, "Oh, this is the way it should have happened the first time, and then Trinity might still be around b/c that non-elimination would have been GREAT for the Adore / Trinity lip-sync."

RuPaul's Drag Race Season 76

Omg, If Leah Remini was just like a 3rd main judge my heart would be glad. She's kinda like a Paula Abdole, on candy corns, with a pinch of coherence thrown in there to make her extra enjoyable.

I think the cheapest move someone can make is making the statement "If that were me!" and then proceed to elaborate about how if it had been them in XYZ situation they wouldn't have done ABC. By doing that you're creating an "Us / I" vs "Other" dichotomy to shield the ego from the possibility that yes, that IS you and

I was gonna post this on here too.
Nice to see someone else had the thought too ^.^

Yeah, I was actually upset that we all got out of the hot tub to watch.
I was having a much better time just talking & soaking & drinking in the jets than watching that episode.
But everyone's allowed to stumble. Next weeks episode had just better be gagging to make up for it.

I agree, I've really enjoyed Courtney's insights and openness about all these very different and varied topics.
That's why I find the editing of her to be so jarring. Like, we all have blindspots in our egos, but they make her look so shady, and I just can't buy that from an individual who seems this far along in their

See, I always thought part of the project of the book series SoI&F, was to kinda deconstruct these narrative & thematic arch's that we use to identify characters. Isn't the point to show that they're all human & while we can fit their actions into neat narrative structures & themes, the actions are made from their

See, that's kinda been another rub I've had with this whole issue.

Thank you for this wonderful articulation, because I thought she might actually be a smart person playing dumb, who just had a certain flighty-ness about her.

That shit had me in tears.

Hell, you don't really have to "know" Laganja to get that story from her. You just have to go to the club and wait until around 4 AM when she's nice and drunk and stoned.