
That wasn't Ru's facade cracking, that was just her walkin' the children in nature. That's aggrivatin' shiz

I thought Courtney served better as a mediator between Bianca and the younger queens. She helped "translate" what Bianca was jabbing at.

While none have been on the show, you can check out Dame Edna. She's HIGH-larious, another Aussie. Very iconic and classic.

Mmm, more like infamy

Omg, when that happened I just had to raise my hand and say "that's me," and all my friends fell over laughing in agreement.

Her persona is a hodge-podge of drag catch-phrases and gesticulations, amped up to the 10th degree, because she thinks that's what drag queens are suppose to look / act / talk like. And because she thinks that's what gets people attention and makes you famous.

Interesting little bit of T here that might help explain that.

Yeah, it was VERY interesting having a friend be under a NDA, and I agree, Laganja is saying way too much to people way too far out of a close-knit friend circle. And even then, you watch what you say when you've potentially got a multi-million dollar lawsuit against you.

On regards to Laganja, I've got some (potential) T to spill.

It's really interesting to see Adore fall into the roll of "step-daughter" to Bianca and become more comfortable with her. So funny that Bianca was the last person she wanted to work with in the beginning, but then she saw Bianca just wanted her to come proper, and started to shape up.

Yeah, what is with the Absolute Vodka bailing? Anyone got any info behind this?

That moment was BRILLIANT! I was howling at the screen and wagging my finger when that happened.

Actually, MOST queens don't have to work the crowd like that. Typically that's left to the "host" queen whose running the show. The rest usually just have to come out for their number & put on a good lip-sync, and then go back stage. The rest of their interaction with the crowd is after the show, chatting / drinking