So as usual then, when an article posted on a Gawker network site asks an outlandish question, the answer is always 'No'. Getting bored of this now guys.
So as usual then, when an article posted on a Gawker network site asks an outlandish question, the answer is always 'No'. Getting bored of this now guys.
LOL I thought that too, my first thought after that was 'she was lucky she didn't get pregnant'
I work in an office with many attractive (but mostly non-geeky) women and quite a lot of sports geeks. So no they probably mean it. I was impressed the other month when one of the more attractive women said "Cool! It's the reaver version too"
Hey! I've got the version of serenity which is decked out to look like a Reaver ship, might have to get this one too so people can see what it's actually supposed to look like.
You wrote an entire blog post about a number on an icon being off-centre? For christ's sake don't leave the house or put the TV on, if something so insignificant can cause you to react like this I'd hate to see how you'd react to how fucked up our civillisation is. [ 1 ]
I want to know how they got the bloghorns to dance like that!
And Scotland.
Hey! It's working! What a great tip. Thank you! :D
Ah that's handy, thank you! :) I've done all that but it's still only synching one calendar at the moment, does it take some time to 'kick in'?
hehe yeah that was quite cute. That man is an adorable former evil-genius.
There is no way I'm leaving my google services however it would be great if there were a way to sync all of my calendars to my iPhone calendar instead of just one of them.
I think Olivia is slightly different, there is a mild rebellious streak in her now. For exampled when she broke into Camerons apartment and said to Walter "What? We got here and the door was unlocked" That isn't something our Olivia would have done.
Yeah, I have a 46" in my living room, it seemed massive when I bought it but it's already not big enough. I think it's time to buy a projector (and move to an apartment where I can use a projector)
Yep, I missed the sarcasm, I heard that iOS5 was getting android like notifications and OTA updates so I assumed it was a sincere comment. It still sounds like one to me to be honest.
I always time-laps my parties, here are a few examples:
Thanks man, ignore the trolls :)
I thought that! He must have only gained fame in America or Scotland but not in England. (either that or I'm out of touch)
Hmm... I long for the day when I can eat what the hell I want and not have to worry about being fat or dead.
Ah possibly, I'm English so I had no idea who that guy was.
Personally I cannot wait to say goodbye to Android and cuddle up back in the arms of my beloved iOS, I should have never given it up. One day, maybe a year from now, maybe ten years from now I'll swing back to the opinion that Android is the way to go but (right now at least) I don't hold to that.