I remember when my mom used to buy it - I’d read it and couldn’t help thinking “who actually tries to do this shit?” I’ve never bought it as an adult. Looks like I haven’t missed anything either.
I remember when my mom used to buy it - I’d read it and couldn’t help thinking “who actually tries to do this shit?” I’ve never bought it as an adult. Looks like I haven’t missed anything either.
I’d love to live in Japan for a year or so. After that I’m afraid my head would explode...
Cosmopolitan is still relevant?
“I think being American is literally making Americans crazy.”
At least you know who he is. I don’t have a clue, and it sounds like that may be a good thing...
Ha! Valve should team up with EA. They both have this non-communication shit down pat. Assholes.
Amazing isn’t it? I consider “old days” the 40’s or 50’s at the latest, not 23 years ago. Smh. Makes me feel old...
Yep. This screams “this movie sucks add more more more.” Train, meet wreck...
“too many bugs they didn’t get to fix before it was finished.”
I look at that car and see a grandmother with questionable taste. Yuck.
I love Alan Cumming regardless of what he’s wearing. Or not wearing, whichever.
They have to be officially cancelled first. Then we can party.
I did to, back when she was a person. I don’t know what the hell she is now, besides obnoxious.
...it’s the only way...
So. Perfect.
I never watch this flotsam but hearing that ratings aren’t good makes me happy. Thank you.
John Stamos has started to lose his looks. Now I feel old...
I somehow managed to end up on some innocuous-looking website the other day - lots of chatter between what sounded like middle-ageish men.
I completely agree. Not to mention that once you’ve committed those views to any medium that can be listened to or read/viewed by x amount of people you better damn well own it or gtfo. There are consequences for all actions - most of them are benign but some aren’t. I don’t have any issue with the UK for their…