
I watched the AP video and it was an all male Jack Sprat and his wife -the 18 yr old is tall and very thin and the 27 yr old is short and very fat.

Steamed Movies and Videos Inc.

This ranks right up alongside Whole Foods selling asparagus water for $6. JFC.

It’s been said before and it ‘s still true: You can’t fix stupid.

His accountant told him he’s finally going broke and needs to start making money again? I hate when that happens...

Saddlebags on a dress. Now I’ve seen it all.

Women Against Violence 4 Ever

Lol. Now that would be a look...

Well, it does sorta match his beard, so there is that I guess...

Thank you for this article. This is exactly the second RPG game I’ve ever played, and I love it. I play primarily for the story, but I like to kick ass once in a while too.

Condolences to his family and friends. RIP Justin.

I really like the decapitation animation. I have issues, I know.

Kristin, what happened to my post?

Ok, I watched the video I’d rather give the girls all the fresh air they want, because that looks ridiculous imo.

So...advantage Serena?

They are fun, brilliant, pissy and completely insane. Entertaining enough for this non-car person to become totally hooked. Can’t wait for the new show!

We finally had our two longhairs shaved this year because they both have had horrible mats they couldn’t reach. Wish we had done it long ago.

My ears need Q-tips and my eyes need bleach. Throwing up would probably help too.

I have never donated a cent to any mans’ balls, and I’m not about to start now.

So he’s an entitled 80 year old drunk. Charming.