
Peter Moore is a fucking idiot. They let Maxis release that sham Sims 4 game and now are busy trying to figure why, two years later, that pathetic excuse for a simulation game is tanking. Now they decide to talk to their customers, totally ignoring the last two years of concerns and complaints. Assholes.

I’m also disabled. Been a victim myself. I don’t “scoff” at any one with a disability. In this case, I think he did it. No one would give me a pass if I had been convicted of murder, disabled or not. My two cents.

JFC. As a white woman, I gotta ask - what the hell does being white have to do with any of this?

“Pistoriuss is a victim in all this as well.”

Novak-caine anyone?

I have been drinking Classic Coke all my life, and the end of April this year I decided to quit. The detoxing has been awful - mood swings, seriously impaired sleep cycles, anxiety and depression. Hopefully in another week my mind will stop beating me up for this shit. Processed sugar is seriously evil and not only

That was a seriously fun race to watch. Insane driving. I loved how one of the commentators said that Danica could last the final eight laps, and almost immediately after that she was wrecked out. Words matter people! :)

I wasn’t aware of that. Unfortunately it doesn’t apply to me, but thanks anyway!

I had the first gen and ended up having to buy the cover that included the light in order to read in bed, and even then it was way too bright. It died exactly 3 years to the day when I bought it. By then the Paperwhite was out. The first night I was all “it’s too small!” but by the second night I loved it and now I

All of these suggestions bring back really bad memories because none of them ever worked for me. Ugh.

“...covering the embarrassing, potentially untrue private details of other people, many of whom might not typically be considered public figures.”

+1 for “twat-waffle”

This is me too. I have over 1800 hours in and haven’t managed to finish one major quest yet. So many fabulous mods to play with... :)

Me too. I went to bed at 11:30. I briefly thought about recording the rest but didn’t because I’d never watch it - it’s like football for me. I want to see it live or not see it at all...dammit.

Damn rain delay. I doubt I’ll see the end of the race cause I’m falling asleep. {Grumble Grumble}

I crack up now when I see the 4 and 8k photo-realism shots. Back when I began playing I had no idea that these were still shots and about drove myself crazy trying to emulate them. But now I know better, and even though my current (rock solid at 60fps) game will never look like that, it still looks pretty damn good.

John Lovitz. I just threw up in my mouth - more than a little. :(

I get such a 1940's vibe from this...

Yep. I got my Instant Pot last year and I love the shit out of it. Cooks beautifully and cleans up like a dream with a little soap and water.

“where McDermott had been living under his birth name.”