it’s also kinda sneaky that they only put them on the front, definitely would help the car rotate and feel more neutral.
it’s also kinda sneaky that they only put them on the front, definitely would help the car rotate and feel more neutral.
“Chief White also said these performance cars should arguably not be street legal, nor in the hands of anyone for that matter.”
Cameras are cheap. Memory is cheap. WHY, exactly, aren’t police vehicles bristling with cameras?
White guy here who spent 31 years in various management positions at a Big 3 OEM.
My first (new) car was fresh out of grad school in 2000, a 2000 Celica GT-S. Had always wanted an Intergra GSR but the brand new Celica was way better (I actually almost bought an Integra Type R but they only had yellow. If only...). Anyway, I’m not sure I realized “negotiating” was a thing back then. I paid what…
Merchants Auto in New Hampshire pulls this exact shit on a scale of like 2000+ cars. They can go right to hell.
I’m 29 and daily drove drift cars for years. I reached a point where I just knew how to fix everything, so I didn’t mind driving my car a little harder than normal. Of course, I also knew to maintain fluids, tires, and brakes along with various other items.
People that need cheap, reliable transportation and don’t have a lot of money. A Chevy dealer that I service had a leftover new 2020 for only $12,000.
Sorry not sorry: The Wrangler.
The previous owner claims that a cooling system flush was already done. The squeaky clean pink coolant seems to support that.
HOAs are a pox on America. They exist as a means by which to exclude people from neighborhoods, they are racist and classist in nature and practice.
Okay, I realize you mean well, but this post is significantly unhelpful in terms of providing useful information. It’s also flat-out wrong in some respects. Did you even trade emails with any helmet standards guys before posting this? I’ll try to address things in an orderly fashion.
I’m planning on having my Leaf paid off in 3 years, and my oldest knows that’s gonna be his car. He’ll have a 50 mile daily range assuming we’ve sorted out home charging by then (in a rental with no driveway access. I charge at work for free, 6 months my commute has cost me $1.10 for the one time I had to take lunch…
So much this. kid still has a few years before they hit driving age, and they’ve already decided that we are going to do a project together building a Jetta with a Smyth ute kit. I can’t be mad at that choice one bit. I know they won’t be driving around with a pile of friends in the car since it will only…
the fuel load consisted of 10,000 gallons of gasoline and 4,000 gallons of diesel.
Thanks for the support! ❤
You guys are missing the point. This is a modern day Golf Cabriolet.
Yeah, that’s a nope from me. Ducati asked if I wanted to ride a Panigale or a Streetfighter and I said no thank you please.