
I thought those engines were notoriously unreliable. At least that was the word on the street when they were newish. Mine was a VR6, which was awesome, so I never rolled the dice on the 1.8T.

Myself, I’d rather have a ‘16 Forester over a ‘21 Rogue.

I was bitter like that for a LONGGG time, but the more I deal with people the more I find that they are really dumb/lazy... dealers barely know the differences in their own trims let alone other manufacturers, and if you ever shop carvana for a niche enthusiast model you will quickly discover they have no clue either

Think of all the various laws and regulations you have to engineer around, not just the actual physical reality.

It’s one of those things that always gets overlooked, but holy shit does it look hard to build a car. From design to manufacturing, everything is complicated. Like, some dude (more likely a team) had to design, test, and build a machine to deliver a seat at exactly there right time to exactly the right place, and it

Subaru Nevera had a chance.

I really think we need to stop referring to 184hp as “wheezy”.

Any explanation why the car would start without the key fob? 

Electrify California*

There’s a lot to like. Having a tire with some sidewall is great. Cool fabric on the seats, and I like the highlights and the color a lot.  May be a customer.

I cannot agree with such a broad statement. I’ve borrowed at least some money for every vehicle purchase over $10K in my life, because I have good credit and liquidating investments to sink cash into vehicles is generally poor financial decision making.

If your debts have lower interest rates than your (post-tax) returns on your investments, then buying with cash is not smart. E.g., look at car loan interest rates and compare with S&P 500 index returns over the last, say, three years.

Man, these are some boring convertibles. She should get a Boxster or a 996 Cabriolet.  

Sheesh, boy are you looking at this the wrong way. People with GT3 money don’t want a plebeian 911. They don’t care about improving driving skill in a base 911. They probably have other exotics, dedicated track cars, and like you said, other GT3’s.

The political ranters/conspiracy theorists who think we are going to read their novelized car while chugging down the highway. Make me laugh every time.

I don’t get the mask hatred either. If they are that uncomfortable to someone, then that someone is either hyper-sensitive or just isn’t wearing the mask correctly. More often than not, the latter.

I’m not with you on that last thought. That wheel was spinning, and could have gone any direction. The truck on his right had him boxed, and who knows what vehicle was on his left. Hitting it straight-on is probably safer than hitting it at an angle. I’m not a motorcycle rider, but I suspect dodging that was a lot

The all-electric rental car company should be called.....