
It’s not.

However, don’t tell him that you can control a character who is able to wear equipment though, that might also spoil the game.

I want to have a blind run without knowing what awaits me.

Even if he got no payout the guy is still disgustingly wealthy so any payout is effectively meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

They kept “James” because of their Jim Sterling brand and use “Stephanie” in their day to day life. While they prefer the latter, they’re okay with people using the former. It’s not deadnaming if the person is still using their previous name in some fashion.

Singular They is real grammar, though, and has been for centuries:

aaand *there it is*

They/Them/Their have been used as singular gender-neutral pronouns for decades. Don’t know the person’s gender or talking about “the player”, use they/them/their.

Yahtzee literally is the escapist. I know a few people who have worked for them through out the years(with there various owners) and the bottom line is that the lions share of their traffic is and has always been Zero Punctuation.   So he gets to do what he wants, gets paid the most and his checks are always on time. 

If you can take advantage of a situation in some way, it’s your duty as an American to do it! Why should the race always be to the quick? Or the Jumble to the quick-witted? Should they be allowed to win merely because of the gifts God gave them? I say, cheating is the gift man give himself!” 

There’s nothing positive to write about NFTs in games. If someone actually manages to come up with some good use for them along with a mining system that is energy efficient and that won’t get exponentially worse over the years, then maybe there will be positive words to say.

Now playing

Dan Olson makes some of the best documentaries on YouTube. it’s definitely worth your time. you’ll likely learn alot about Crptocurrency and NFTs that you didn’t know before. if you already think NFTs are a scam then you’ll learn all about how it’s way worse than you think.

Lol its more like the table flipped and everything is reversed. Sex and recreational drug used to not be Ok to talk about publicly in the 90s, while bigoted statements were allowed. Now its the opposite where people are held accountable for what they say and talking sex & drugs is fine. Guess society is becoming

In retrospect the line for what is offensive and triggering has really shifted since 2001.

Isn’t it? “What has MS had to say about our pending litigation and the ongoing strike imposed by our QA workers at Ravensoft?” seems a pretty acquisition-relevant question to me.

So...looking at your earlier defenses of NFTs in your posting history, you took issue with describing them as a pump and dump scam. But in this comment, via the theory of ‘we were just -pretending- to be idiots that don’t know what NFTs allow us to do, we are exhibiting the wisdom of Logan Paul,’ you appear to be

Alternatively, it’s fun to laugh at idiots and scammers when they get what’s coming to them.

People need to be reminded that NFTs are for idiots and scammers.

I mean.