
I realize that some people who “play to have fun” and who currently form the majority of players have voiced their reservations toward these new trends, and understandably so. However, I believe that there will be a certain number of people whose motivation is to “play to contribute,” by which I mean to help make

God damn. White boys’ll cry about anything, even obsolete electronics.

If you stop writing about these fucks, they’ll go away.

Look at the number of times and frequency with which you’ve replied at me in just the last 30 minutes. You’re giving me way too much thought. I’m just not that into you.

But, again, you enjoy yourself in whatever way you wish. If that’s spending that much time thinking about strangers in the comments section, I guess

You don’t sound happy. But if you say so, that’s great. Enjoy your New Year!

Companies like Microsoft and Sony make money off software and software licensing. They give tons of shit over hardware shortages and who, exactly ends up with the hardware, if they don’t reach customers that will increase attachment rates.

To all the people trying to be an anthropology professor in the comments here, let me remind you that Humans in World of Warcraft were created by space gods and similarly evolved due to a curse by other space gods. They are a completely artificial species. It’s already space magic, so “justifications aren’t required”

Human races (in terms of human skin color) never really played into WoW lore as far as I can recall. It was more of a kingdom-based thing where just about anyone could be any skin tone because real world racial traits and evolution in general isn’t a thing in the setting so it’s nothing like the Skyrim races. Warcraft

Former WoW player. I’m really confused about why this is hard. The game was too white. That was a mistake brought partially by the time the game was made, and mostly by the people that made it. So correcting it just makes sense.

Literally just say “we retconned it.”

Justifications aren’t required.

... Or it’s just a fun dumb blog that only one person here is taking too seriously.

It’s a video game blog and they are writing about their experience playing a very popular game.

Are you trolling? I mean it’s not like Doordash/Whatever app she used pays at the register when they arrive. It’s all done online. No money exchanges hands, they don’t whip out a card and complete the purchase. Her name was on the box, which means it was paid for already. End of story.

Your response to another

There are absolutely medical exemptions. Check the CDC website among other places. They recommend deferring vaccination if the person is receiving convalescent plasma, if they are undergoing treatment for metastatic cancer, recently received or about to receive an organ transplant, have a known severe allergy to a

I don’t think a vaccine mandate should have religious exemptions at all, but apparently the Supreme Court ruled recently that if a general mandate has any exemptions (like for medical grounds) that means the same exemption has to be extended to religious grounds. Which I think is a completely nonsense interpretation

Also, gamers love hating the actual devs who toil on the products for shitty pay and shitty hours. Go on any gaming subreddit or forums and you’ll see hundreds of posts on “lazy devs” but they’ll rarely criticize the executives who’re actually at the helm. I have a couple of friends working in the video game industry

You know a guy is garbage when you’re all for abolishing the carceral state and reading a story about them makes you want to hit the “1000 years dungeon” button so hard it breaks in two...

“Unfortunately, General Hospital has let me go because of the vaccine mandate. I did apply for my medical and religious exemptions, and both of those were denied, which hurts. But this is also about personal freedom to me.”

That some people say they hate it but click on it and comment and complain on it anyways instead of just seeing something they don’t want to read and move on with their life?