
Except the review evidently has told you about the game by revealing that is uses the same formula. There is quite a lot in the review giving details about the game, you just happen to not be able to deal with the reviewer having criticism in their commentary.

I’ll answer because this kind of brainless question always amuses me: I don’t play the game any more and you’re allowed to make negative comments on games you don’t play as long as they are informed, valid criticisms.

they absolutely do. unless the game does something to elevate itself, you can see from the metacritic scores that they generally have been “meh” to critics since call of duty modern warfare 3

As a Destiny stan, I will tell you it is an incredibly stupid content model.

And that’s certainly a valid criticism, but we’re not talking about mechanics, we’re talking about content: places to go, activities to do, gear you can acquire, stuff like that. Like, I imagine when Bungie eventually vaults the Beyond Light content, they won’t also remove the Stasis specs, just the missions and

It's fun hearing people say reviewers are "biased" cause they're not insane fans of the franchise they're reviewing, as if that's somehow not biased as well

even if a sequel should be similar, when you have a near yearly release, and it mostly felt like a copy pasta with a slight reskin. It get quite boring, and in that sense the supposedly specialized media acclaim that shit, while the traditionnal media will slam it as same as last time, don’t waste 60 bucks. Remind my

FIFA gets complained about all the time for not changing the formula, and across the 15 Final Fantasies the most often complaint is that they change the formula too much.

I think people are getting tired of the FC games having a facade of political meaning and then just straight ignoring it and pretending like there’s nothing political about it. In a way I almost think it would be more moral to make the game straight socialist/commie bashing and super pro-capitalism because it would

Here we are.

Sometimes I eye roll at how sympathetic Kotaku can be to some of the more out there communities on the Internet, and then an article like this comes along and I find myself being the one who might be more sympathetic towards these people than they deserve? For the most part I think that people who have been ripped off

“The people buying them all agree that they have value.”

person in too deep to admit they’re fucked or a scammer.

lol tldr

Scammers target people who are susceptible to scams. And they’ve been doing it for centuries, so they’ve gotten very good at it.

Difference is, physical object cannot be perfectly replicated. You can look at the pictures of ball, but to see actual object in person, to hold it in your hand, you would need to get an permission of owner and most likely travel to a location where it is located, unless you would be able to convince (pay) the

I feel like your not understanding what an NFT is. So let met make an example: You have an image of a cow. This image exists in a space where it can be cloned infinitely. Meaning it cannot gain value like a physical item, because the image cannot be owned(Unless you buy the rights to the image which is an entirely

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not, because it’s not at all the same as owning a physical baseball, lol.

In reality and NFT purchase is just akin to having a jpeg of a baseball, and buying a certificate that says “I own this jpeg of a baseball. AND anyone can still download a copy of that jpeg because it’s just a

Yup. I’m not even mad at the failed attempt at being biased—all of these guys are clowns, being preyed upon by other clowns with just a little bit more intelligence

Like Gatcha games make sense to me because at least they are “games,” and ideally that super rare waifu can be used to in PVE/PVP scenarios but you also

It’s not SWG.

But it’s the closest I’ve had to that feeling in a long time. It’s got just the right balance between focused systems and open sandbox for me.


RIP in pieces SoE.