Well, I trust Alanah Pearce to curate herself rather than being led around by a PR dept and she seems to love the team over there now that she’s working there so I’ll go with it on this one
Well, I trust Alanah Pearce to curate herself rather than being led around by a PR dept and she seems to love the team over there now that she’s working there so I’ll go with it on this one
This is an overreaction. Hitman’s offline mode has worked like this on every other platform. They removed the DRM (i.e. the bootup authentication check) to go on GOG but kept the in-game progression as it was (i.e. tied to the servers). Which sucks, is a pretty bad design, coming from back when the game used to be…
Warcraft III fans were surprised to find out that the remaster was not actually Warcraft III, but a steaming pile of shit.
I would highly recommend this scholarly blog by Dr. Devereaux, analyzing Victoria II’s treatment of various historical issues, including slavery (there are preceding posts going more in-depth into some bigger design elements, but the slavery blurb is in the linked one). I don’t even play Paradox games, but I found…
Yeah! The SEC doesn’t mess around! They’ll be fined AT LEAST a couple $100k, without having to admit guilt.
I just don’t understand what need it fills. Why do we need “original digital resources” beyond the tools we have currently with regards to digital signatures?
The game is going to be different, so why not make a different game? This is remaking a title with the ‘same’ story, but with a different format that robs a lot of the charm that existed in the previous.
My complaint is that the title doesn’t need to be touched, the ability to make sequels exists. Hell, even a prequel…
I am *so* looking forward to another game that defined my childhood being remade into an Action-RPG lite with much of the strategy ripped out of it!
It was by Bioware yes, before they did Mass Effect. But it shares more in common with Dragon Age: Origins in my opinion, even sharing some of the same mechanics in certain areas. You can definitely see how KOTOR leads to Dragon Age, and then that gets refined into the Mass Effect era of Bioware.
Cool, now how about remastering the sequel and actually finishing it this time?
Genuine question: at which point will you stop giving them money? I don’t need to know exactly how much you’ve spent, unless you want to share if of course.
Ftr, I should clarify that one of the quotes above is from an anonymous worker currently at Paradox, not the unions (I forgot to separate them when I posted the above - my sincere mistake) , the quote being the first one:
New to Kinja (longtime lurker) but since I’m Swedish I can translate some stuff from the linked article from Breakit that didn’t make it to this article:
Unlike a traditional XCOM game where you select actions from a menu based on customized loadouts, Midnight Suns will have you choose actions from a hand of cards randomly drawn at the start of battle.
“Today the studio showed off actual gameplay, and it turns out the tactics game’s combat will be card-based. Still there?”
I have never been more flaccid. Card-based combat is like the Exodia of gameplay features: It obliterates my interest in the game, no matter what.
Say you do it and Nintendo comes after you legally, do you really have the funds to combat a platoon of corporate lawyers? How much of your life are you willing to spend fighting this? What happens if you lose?
Hello, welcome to the comment section, my name is PixelAviStupidName, and I love the taste of corporate boot leather. Saved you the time, you can stop scrolling now.
This is inevitable in a capitalist society without robust labor protections and union membership.