Possibly, but racketeering is a fairly wide class of crimes, and you would need definitive proof.
Possibly, but racketeering is a fairly wide class of crimes, and you would need definitive proof.
Oh look, a self-important comics gatekeeper! Look, Comic Book Guy, I stopped collecting Ghost Rider back when it was Dan Ketch. I like how you want to critique my criticism by claiming I’m just an MCU fan, but then also referencing... Agents of SHIELD. It’s all the same bag.
Now nobody can deny that videogames aren’t art, a way to launder money by people who don’t care about it.
That looks like a pretty comics accurate Robbie Reys Ghostrider. He has a slightly more anime-inspired look, and he’s often depicted as short, either because he’s a teenager, or because he’s Hispanic and a lot of Hispanic people are a little shorter than average, IDK. Also he drives a kickass charger instead of riding…
So...all the executives involved in 38 Studios ALSO only got <20% of their due, right?
No... Just No... This was a bad rom site that charged for access. There is zero chance anything of value was lost. The effort this person put in was the bare minimum just to make some quick cash and they did it stupidly too, this is why they are being so badly burned by Nintendo on this. ANYTHING that was on this site…
I don’t really agree at all. I feel like you’re mistaking a distinctly Korean style for “soulless” or something. BDO is a shit game, don’t get me wrong, but it’s absolutely not any more or less “soulless” or “barren” than dozens of MMOs, so like if that was a general point about MMOs I could see it, but a specific…
The quantity of transphobia is unknown in Crimson Desert and very much known in Cyberpunk, so until then Cyberpunk is definitely worse.
Bobby Kotik is still their leader. He was SUCCESSFULLY sued for Sexual harassment last year. They are definitely not taking this seriously.
I may dislike everyone in the list he backed (especially Mitch McConnel) but he has as much of a right to donate to them as I do to donate to democrat tickets.
Who is saying he shouldn’t have the “right” to donate to them? People are simply pissed because they’re finding out that money they gave him through buying his game is going to fund politicians that are trying to pass legislation that will take their rights away.
Criticising an artist’s political spending is not book-burning, dude. Nor is it “modern McCarthyism”. Noone’s calling for Cawthorn and his games to be banned, don’t give me that strawman bullshit.
“Concern About Baltimore” is the same dog whistle as “Concern About the South Side of Chicago” is: a racist one.
MLK's quote about white moderates is just gonna keep on being relevant, isn't it
That we aren’t being overwhelmed by outstanding trans athletes right now (we do have some)
“Just because this guy happens to disagree with some liberal causes absolutely does not mean he doesn’t love his LGBTQIA+ fans or that he supports all right-wing policy.”
It’s such a bullshit argument coming from Scott, which, given him being a religious right-winger, is to be expected. It’s the only kind of argument they have.
but its a hard no for me if we’re talking adult males who transition and then want to compete with biological females (and vice versa for that matter, but for opposite reasons).
What the actual fuck? Why can you “accept” that bill? It pretty plainly seeks to discriminate against people, and literally nothing in it has been supported in any way by science, medicine, psychology, or even the sports themselves.