
This Final Four I could get behind. Nice kinja name also

Helpless bystander? Dunaway read the damn card! Beatty was showing her that it was wrong. At least he took the time to read it.

Or Forrest Gump beating Shawshank... Worse in my opinion

Very very simple and plausible argument back here...

It’s so funny living in this insane new America. The same people outraged at stuff like this thought it was ok when Tim Thomas and Tom Brady didn’t go to the White House.

Worked out for this guy...

What a crappy situation for the kid.

Lol. Thanks Chief... Wasn’t implying it would be the only reason.

Michigan and Wisconsin were certain. States she lost in the Primary already. States he won, Wisconsin handily.

Saw them on press row for a game. I have seen a lot of good offense in my time. This is like the Princeton offense on PCP. It’s gorgeous. They legitimately could win the National Championship. Only teams that could beat them are teams with two dominant bigs.

It’s at times like this I always like to remind folks that Bernie Sanders would have won Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.... End of coming apocalypse. Socialist you say? How’s it looking compared to what’s on the horizon. We’re fucked.  

Some people like this stuff, but it’s just not my daguerreotype

Seems like carelessness played a hand in this

Little disappointed to see that Archibald “Moonlight” Graham was not able to make the list

I believe that Chris Bosh has HIV and that nobody is acknowledging some of the blatantly obvious signs over the last couple of seasons.