
“Sir, this is an Arby’s.”

Damn! It’s been 20 years since this movie came out?? I’m old.... Where’s my heart meds? Where’s my walker? Nurse! Nurse! It’s cold in here!

That bias is real.
Same bias against anti vaxxers
Same bias against flat earthers
Same bias against the birthers

Really, its a bias against dumb asses who dangerously believe stupid shit.

Shutting down the only dedicated politics website in your portfolio right before the 2020 election, one of the most consequential of our lifetime, kicks into high gear. Essentially shutting down the second-most highly trafficked website in your portfolio because one out of every twenty five posts rankles you. I’m not

Hi Mark, welcome to The Root. Keep trying

I’m truly sick of this shit. You exclude Black people, then when we turn around and form our own events, groups, and societies with our own cultural practices and traditions, you scream, cry, and curse. It’s painfully obvious that you love it when Black people are isolated from their own community. Which is why

Recently watched the film The Social Network again recently and after the results of the last three years it pretty much left me shaken. The signs that this man was emotionally damaged jumped off the damn screen. Jesse Eisenberg gave a great look into a man that was cold, insecure and hellbent on getting revenge on

Now playing

Your jump from “mildly entertaining” to “personifies the unearned confidence of straight white men” reminded me of this Brian Regan bit.

Does this mean I have to put up with The Rick and Morty Guy at work again? I don’t need someone in the break room telling me both that I “really have to watch it” and also that “the real jokes” will be over my head, Brandon*!

The Giuliani gags were great as well. 

he becomes tempted by evil when Rudy Giuliani visits him in prison, offering him a joint that he pulls out of his ass

Alejandro/Mexican Joker is quickly blamed for everything, killed by the cops

Yes, he gets shot, but escapes. This isn’t the first time John has gotten episode details wrong.

I had a metrology class with a guy who moved to town not that long ago, from Texas. He was complaining that when he wears his Trump hat, the girls don’t talk to him, and if he tries to talk to them, they’re already angry at him, even though he hasn’t said anything.

So we know the answer to “How you doin’”

The pride shirts are better than the UFC’s WE ARE ALL JEW-JITSU passover shirts.

Anytime in the last half-dozen years or so that Best Buy has been brought to my attention, I’ve had a slightly startled “Oh, I kind of thought they went out of business” response.

I dont really have any patience for those who think we can’t have a reasonable discussion about candidates during a primary. We cant have all 50 of them on the ticket come election day. We gotta pick one. So let’s talk it out.

thats really nuts.

I love Cross, love Garafalo, love Chappelle and Rock, and other of this generation comic and I share the same goddamn angry pissiness.  That angry pissiness is because NOTHING has improved. NOTHING has gotten better even after those wrongs have been pointed out again and again and again.  What The FUCK America?  This