Alex Roy

This is actually the shit I want them to report on, if you dont like it, you can leave

Oh fuck off

I’ll be watching this if for no other reason than I *miss* the days when hardigree and spinelli where the main contributors to this uh, blog? Not to take away from the current staff and editors, but those were the wildwild west glory days of both content and comenterati. Today is but a shadow of it’s former self...

The reason highway deaths have been going up recently despite cars getting safer continuously is distracted driving. Boring people glued to their boring phones driving boring suvs. It’s telling that the cannonball was run with no injuries.

It’s the #3 doc on itunes USA and #2 in the UK.

Don’t go to Germany. You might have a heart attack.

This Quote will look great on our movie poster.

It’s a very different movie.

I downloaded the cheaper SD version (seriously most of the cameras are early digital) even though I’m not a fan of street racing and found it entertaining regardless but I typically like JF’s stuff when he stays behind the camera.  Alex’s mom was a surprising how similar Alex is to her.

So many whiny people. They did it. Nobody died. Don't be a buzzkill.

Furiously clutches pearls. 

They had spotters. With radios. Jesus. You guys act as though a couple of choads just jumped in a car with no prep or logistics and sped down the highway all Willy Nilly.

Here (again) for who can be highest on their horse shaming anyone who even thinks of supporting this film.

i saw a cut of the original film at Matt’s house. It was terrifying.

The pearl-clutchers here are far more upset than the audiences of FBI agents and NYPD officers we’ve held private screenings for. They thought it was a cautionary tale, and loved it.

I doubt the objective risk is any worse than a “legal” half blind elderly person, driving at night, in a crappy car that barely passes state inspection, with a BAC just under 0.08. Society gives all kinds of passes to unsafe driving including license tests that are a joke, new cars full of built in distractions, and

Alex Roy also wrote a book about the attempt that was really good called “the driver” that I would highly recommend. I think I read it in like 2 days. 

Frankly I would much prefer to have Alex on the roads than many/most everyday drivers. He’s at least planning, paying attention, etc. Not sitting in the left lane going 10 under, changing lanes wildly without signal, or driving a car on bald tires with metal pads for brake material.