Alex Roy

It’s the #3 doc on itunes USA and #2 in the UK.

This will also go on our movie poster. Thank you!

40,000 people die a year in crashes.

Me complain? Excuse me, I have to go back to my day job working on improving automotive safety.

Don’t go to Germany. You might have a heart attack.

This Quote will look great on our movie poster.

It’s a very different movie.

Edgy rebels....or dicks?

I scolded Maher for doing that. Some say I’m the coward. LOL :-)

FYI, Ed is in the movie!

I was just down recording some VinWiki videos with my friend Ed. Clearly you don’t know either of us very well! LOL!

Who is passing on shoulders?

That’s me!

I heard Bentley crushed that press car after we returned it.

Unlikely. Any HS kid seeing this more likely dissuaded. The time, the planning, the research, the prep...the movie is a cautionary tale of absurd sacrifice toward an unlikely goal.

Stock Morgan wheels.

The pearl-clutchers here are far more upset than the audiences of FBI agents and NYPD officers we’ve held private screenings for. They thought it was a cautionary tale, and loved it.

No, it wasn’t luck at all.

People get upset about all the wrong things.

Thank you for your understanding and decency.

We do mention him in the movie.