Alex Roy

My cars are stuffed in spare spots in the driveways and garages of the friends I trust. I can only afford to keep one in the city, given NYC prices for monthly parking!

My cars are stuffed in spare spots in the driveways and garages of the friends I trust. I can only afford to keep one in the city, given NYC prices for monthly parking!

Clean Diesel Wagon. Half off.

I’ve got another pc coming about similar AD from other manufacturers, but everyone else limits their Lane Control in some fashion. I haven’t driven anything else that will take over all driving functions for more than 2 minutes.

Fuel cost us nothing.

I would encourage you to drive one cross-country and see how you feel. Then try the same thing in a comparable ICE car.

Thanks for that. I don’t have edit access, but I’ve told the office!

Might I add that most of the cars I play with cost <20k. You can get an SM for $10k. An E39 M5 for $15k, and an old Targa for $20k. Me? I’m jealous of Chris Harris!

That’s what I say to myself every morning in the mirror. All of it.


My thoughts exactly.



To Valhalla!

Thank so much. Must be showing my age.

I wish it were a fad.

In some cities, 50 years. Beyond that...can’t say.

Me too.

I hope you’re wrong. You could be right.