
My dad says this is old news ._. some civil engineers told him this 20 years ago. I had just read him the title and he was like "something about volcanic rock, right?"

Wow! I figured this from the start. Well, except for the whole "New Coke" thing. For one, it gives Sutherland some air time and whatnot, and it gives Kojima the perfect chance to release a video for the new MGS game and just mind fuck the viewers. THINK ABOUT IT! When everyone hears Hayter's voice as Snake, EVERYONE

It's one of the very few things I hate about where I live.

I took this a while ago when my internet was particularly fast. Am I winning?

HA! This is like "The Walking Dead." The show is SO MUCH DIFFERENT than the comic. I haven't seen the Walking Dead show, but I tell my brother things from the comics and he just sits there like O.O . I think it's good that the Game of Thrones books are a bit different than the show because if it was similar, no one

This was a conversation I had with a friend after the episode.

Because some people enjoy getting a little dirty when having fun? I don't like having mudflaps on my bike no matter the weather. Now, if I'm going somewhere and I need to look relatively clean - for example; biking to a friend's house - I would just ditch the bike all together and either walk or drive. NOW, if I live

Mkay, well then sorry! The things I said were from my own experiences. If you've had different ones, then huzzah for you.

Did you even read past the first two sentences? I think the show's hilarious because it's so bad.... I'm not saying "YOU'RE STUPID FOR LIKING THIS >:O RAWRAWRAWR! HOMOSEXUAL SLURS, YOUR MOTHER INSULTS, AND OTHER GENERIC THINGS!"

I had that experience at some point in my 360 gaming life. Last years sometime, I had 13131 gamerscore... I didn't want to get another achievement ever just because I thought it was awesome. I'm sitting at about 15001 something now.

Be serious with yourself. It's a super shitty show. It's so shitty that we watch it and love it because we can't stop laughing at how bad it is. Honestly. I watched an episode and was like "wtf? That was really bad..." then I watched another.

There's always one Sith Lord and his apprentice. Does the Wii U come in white like the original did? That would make it the Jedi of Consoles.

OH MAH GAWD! I've been trying to look for these things for ages! I remember seeing a video for them a long time ago but couldn't remember what they were called D: I'mma buy me one of these as soon as I can!

Thanks! A week after I posted this, I decided to just search for a way to do it. I'm impatient xD

As Billy from Seven Psychopaths said: "You can't let the animals die in a movie... only the women."

I've played quite a few MMOs over the past 10 years and not once have I met an actual girl that has complained about armour not being "pretty." They typically want to blend in with the male characters so if it's too "pretty," they stand out.

Of the 28 seconds that's loaded in 144p (yes, 144p video quality) in the past 5 minutes from the video up above, I think it's a very catchy tune! I like it already!

We have similar names.

If you didn't try blurring out the part right between his hand and his waist I would have believed it.

I know, I know. I got complacent. I was skimping off on the fencing in favour of my 78 large chest room that I was putting my wood to :(