
Fuck yea, I’d have been all over that shit if they got McGreggor to play Danny!!

I can already taste the cancer..

Hey! I can watch Colbert stuff on here now! Love that he has the new show! Fuck the comedy network! Now Canadians can watch stuff online xD

You’ve gotta remember that, yes, it was just technically a few years prior and what-not, but there are hundred of thousands of planets and not every planet had a jedi on it. I haven’t read the comic, but I kight check them out soon.


Haha xD yea, two very contrasting armies, eh?

Yea! Represent, mu’ fuka!

Guys all talk about the standard CGI movies like LOTR and Pacific Rim and Starwars and what else, but no one I see has mentioned Chappie. Damn, I just watched it and was blown away by the CGI quality!! Neil Blomkamp is an amazing director and his movies have some of the best CGI I’ve ever seen! Chappie felt real.

What impressed me the most about the company was this letter and the fact that they gave stickers, map, soundtrack, a manual that had at least something to read, and the promise of free DLC all for the same price that other games wouldn’t have.

I was very impressed when I saw the letter!

I got this on my phone...

Over two years after I originally commented, might I add... my friend stopped playing a few months after I posted and he got to 3200 something hours before the game was even 2 years old...

Search by price. They already technically have search by two or three select prices, but I would love to be able to search for a game that I can actually afford. Have it search by how much I have in the steam wallet or something... find a game I can buy for the 1.30$ I have left.

It will probably be the Final Smash.

I'm a furry and I hate Lucario >.>

I mean, cool pokemon in the games and all, but he plays like shit in Smash

If paintballing was an olympic event....

I think that's a great place to start! I've never watched it but I've seen my fair share of creepy-as-fuck anime. The reason most people (I believe) don't like anime is because they think it's silly and for kids. If you show them a more adult-oriented show, then they may realize that hell-fucking-yea anime can be for

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I demand that whenever Google is mentioned anywhere here, there should be a Skynet tag. I'm sure everyone understands why.

Someone needs to trim the video to the scene with him laughing at 3:00 then put it on a loop for 10 hours. I would love them forever.