
Yea, and when you lose said paranoia you get what just happened to me 5 minutes ago. I've been playing Minecraft almost daily (at least 1 or 2 hours every day or two) for two and a half years and I know all the mechanics well enough to ignore mobs and not even have a hard time with them (The new Wither Skeletons still

My parents own a dog that sleeps in their room.

That's what I was thinking... it looks like she's in the middle of saying something!

#5 has Ron Jeremy!

Dammit! You made me burst out laughing at 2:30 am... I think I woke up my parents because I can hear my dog barking.

My brother bought a brand new one for 60$ in this weird deal they had going at EB Games...


Why would it be illegal...? Or is that a joke?

Diablo III and Sim City had dedicated server support...

Most of my friends are "Gamers." They play some AAA games and even some lesser known ones. They all love Left for Dead 2, GTA4, Skyrim, Halo, and Minecraft. Their interest in CoD and it's yearly iterations is diminishing (thank God). Only a few play the Batman games and even less play the Bioshock games. Only one

I see what you mean. I as a swimmer enjoy racing and watching others race, so it's more fun for me. If you read my second paragraph you'd notice that I said there's lots of openings for Drama and Slice of Life. A swimmer can spend more time sitting around and talking with people at a swim meet than they do actually

Being a competitive swimmer myself, if you're racing against people your own speed, it can be quite interesting. It gets even more fun when you start swimming long distance because speed isn't as much a factor as endurance. Just last year, I was swimming in the 400 metres and all through the race, I was shoulder to

I just laughed so hard I made my dog jump and also woke up my dad xD

It probably is...

Eh, I never watched it. I just heard from people that it felt rushed. Aaaaaand I care what it looks like. I don't want it to be some round fucking ball thing... I want it to be nice and square/rectangular ish so it can stack easily. Also, they said:

Yea, they set the bar "very very high" by not showing off what it looks like. Maybe now Microsoft will do the same -3- THANKS A LOT, SONY >:O That being said, I think they know the fans thought the PS4 announcement was rushed since it was very brief and didn't show the console. Maybe that gives Microsoft more interest

"No. Nnnno. Nonono nopety nope. No more "legen-dary" jokes. Otherwise I shall start making "cake is a lie" and "arrow to the knee" jokes."

Knowing Saul, he probably knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who can translate it for them and... talk.... them into signing it...

Probably the same place that Sergey Titov of The War Z fame was from. Both had horrendous spelling and cloned a game that wasn't officially released yet and then denied that it was a clone and said that they're using their own code, models, etc.