
Vlambeer Episode 2: The Clone Wars

How do you do that? There's a lot of pictures of porn stars that I want to see more of >.> for science.

A question I haven't seen yet: Why, despite the initial failures of games like Diablo and Sim City, do companies try to force the always-online feature? Most people I play with or talk to don't have a stable internet and it's common for their internet to be down. This lack of internet leads to no play time in such

I think it's because of the convenience of not having to go out and actually buy the game. They know they can cheat you out of money just because you're too lazy to drive to your local store.

I have my laptop set so it goes to sleep when I close the lid. The only time I completely turn it off is if I need to for an update, if I'm leaving it behind for a few days (I'd normally take it with me anyways), or I'm going somewhere outside of my house such as a friend's or relative's place with it.

"Finally my big point here is this: we have no right to be over there bombing anyone in the first place, regardless of the locations of extremists because those extremists have left us the fuck alone."

I can't tell if you're insulting Waynes World or the Game of Thrones video.... or both.

I like a good smile. That's all. A smile makes me happy and when said smile is jarred by crooked teeth, it throws me off. A lot.

Eh, Dom's attitude changes quite drastically in the 3rd one... if you know what I mean.

-28 degrees Celsius without the windchill (and there was a lot of wind) in the pitch black dark during a snowstorm, I wore a heavy sweater, some light gloves, and a toque while cooking burgers on a barbecue outdoors. The plate froze to the small built in table, I was standing on the slipperiest ice I've ever stood on,

I don't keep up with politics or who's saying what or what who's actually saying or anything, so forgive me if I'm being redundant by repeating something that someone else has said or is saying. Whenever I hear about these talks that there's little to no chance of women getting pregnant, I can't help but think this is

I'm 20 and I listen to him all the time :D Am I one of the lucky few?

I believe if NK was going to attack with nukes, they'd crank up the power quite a bit. Granted, I don't know anything about bombs and stuff so it might not be as easy as I think it is.

That was awesome until she smiled.... If she went through braces then she would look fantastic

When I lived in Fort McMurray, Alberta (Canada), the only hockey that we saw were home games from the Oil Barons. They weren't NHL league by a long shot, but since we were more than 5 hours drive away from the closest NHL city, we were happy with this small town team. On one of my brothers birthdays, my family and

If you think Hockey is a fast and violent sport, you probably don't know how crazy Lacrosse used to be. Back before it became a professional sport, the natives of Canada invented it and if someone didn't break a bone during a game then it wasn't lacrosse. Hockey isn't all about violence. I'm fine with them keeping

That was a really interesting video to watch! I like the interview at the end where he was talking about what Misogyny really is.

Hands-Free Masturbater?

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384 kbps? O.o the fastest I get is 120 kb/s and I live in Canada...