
I was playing Grand Theft Auto 4 for the first time today and some guy kept running up to me, knifing me, and eventually killing me over and over. No matter how many times I pumped him full of lead, some other thug keeps coming out of nowhere behind me :( Today also marks the first time I've ever been so frustrated at

Using Half his Life....?

God, my parents bought my brother one of those keyboards... I personally think they're ugly and really uncomfortable.

I just picked up the Razer Naga a few days ago and it's SO helpful! Sadly, I picked it up when I was bringing in my laptop to get fixed so I've been using my dad's laptop in the mean time. The only game he allows me to play on it is Age of Empires 2 (which I'm fine with. I grew up playing this and Starcraft), but I've

You're only allowed to do that if I'm allowed to chuckle at the Darwin poster.

It's probably going to be some ultimate bad guy. Notice how the latest episodes feel like filler? They're amassing allies and finding new enemies. I think there's going to be an all out war in the end.

I think people need to make the suit out of a different material and get a bustier woman wearing it. If the same material as a competition swimsuit would be used, it would probably look all around better because it would be a bit tighter fitting than the cloth ones everyone uses. Also, the women need to bulk up a bit

Apparently this was known ._. I asked my brother if he knew what the easter egg with the card was and he was like "There's a picture of Halsey on it if you look closely enough.... why?"

You know it! 2 PS3s for sports games and PS exclusives, 3 Xbox's for shooters, adventure games, racing games, exclusives, and a decent laptop for Steam, Minecraft, MMOs, RTS's, and any other game that can run smoothly on it :D

You never go full retard.

around 15-20 years ago my mom bought a computer. The guy who sold it to her said that "55 MB of hard drive space is all you'll ever need!" (or something like that). I laughed when she told me this a few years ago.

When I watched this scene, I jumped up and shouted "FATALITY!"

Is it just me or do swear words seem really out of place in poems?

On the Breaking Dawn Part 2 one... At least it had a fucking fight. The book didn't have that. All through the book (and movie), they were preparing for this war and it was going to be huge and revolutionary because the evil Volturi were going to fight the good guys. In the end, Alice walks up to Aro (in the book),

It's like my friend who plays as chicks in MMOs. "The women's clothes are always cheaper! I do this so I don't have to spend as much!" It's a fuckin game... The prices are balanced and offer the same stats for the male and female equipment. That same guy always plays as a female in everything.

Oh god xD my sides! So hilarious!

I know, eh?

Why the hate? He was simply saying he wants to wait to buy a PC until it can run every game made for it in terms of high FPS. Right? He's not talking about backwards compatibility or anything; he wants to be able to play games without them slowing down or crashing.

I started wearing a rather large ring that sticks out and I know what you mean; I have to wiggle my hand into my pocket at a weird angle without it getting caught. Now I know why women use purses instead of pockets.