
Well, I've finished half of these already, but in February, (if I get time x.x) the games are:

Don't forget that change directions count as skip-a-turns when playing with 2 people :D

Or just do what Theif (gold at least... I have only played that one so far) did and make it bloody hard to kill someone after they see you. But I guess if they did that, then it's more of a stealth game and less of a "choose what you want" way.

When I went to the Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses, I saw a (probably 250lb) man with a beard dressed as Zelda. It made me laugh and he let me take a picture! He was just happy to be there.

Has this been done?

That's IF they let me get a job D:

Please for the love of God and all that is holy, STOP talking about "how slow your internet speed is" D: if you think 2.5 MB/s is slow, then you need a week or two somewhere else. My internet speed is 150 KB/s on a good day.

Won't that make it sync up to your laptop?

It's mine per se, but my brother uses it more and he's a bit repulsive. I'd rather not touch his things.

I AM extremely sheltered. It comes from being homeschooled, living in the country, and not being able to drive fully by myself >.> Yep. Can't drive alone either. Hell, I don't even have a job! I do play sports though (thank god!) :D

My local Best Buy, Superstore (I'm Canadian), Source, movie rental places... No where near me has any :( My family buys batteries in bulk from Costco, so I'm almost never low on em, so that might be why I prefer it to the non-battery pack controllers. And also, if you're complaining about using batteries from your tv

Oh no! I can't watch those kinds of movies and my friends (thankfully) honour that. My friend came over and watched Insidious upstairs while I cowered downstairs with my headphones on blasting music while I played Sins of a Solar Empire :P

Sentimentality? I dunno. I'm weird about controllers and pens. I don't like using anything other than mine. Especially with pens D: who the hell knows where other peoples hands have been D:

I could never find any in stores and my parents don't trust online shops.


At first, I was like Seminal Colon and clicked this blog for pics, but now that I'm given a link by some random person, I'm legitimately scared. I suddenly have the urge NOT to click it ._.

The thing I want the PS4's controller to have more than any touch screen/pad or any other gimmick is a battery pack. A BATTERY PACK. I hated having to use my other controller while my main one recharged. I don't care if they say things like "oh, but it will be heavier and more expensive!" I HATED WHEN MY CONTROLLER

On the backwards compatibility note, didn't they not have it when the PS3 launched or was it shortly after they had some decent games for the PS3 that they took it away?

I played Morrowind for a long time and never got around to buying Oblivion, so the jump from Morrowind to Skyrim was mind blowing :D I absolutely loved Skyrim's combat system!

That's the same train of thought that I had when I bought my red PS3 controller for 5$ more! It came with God of War 1 and 2! What a deal! I played God of War 1 for about an hour or two and never touched it again! Plus, when I traded it in, they gave me more than 5$ of trade value for both ._. in the end, I got a red