
I think you forgot your pills this morning ._. My brother and I have the game pre-ordered (two copies). We're going to play through the campaign in singleplayer, then after we're both done, co-op. Maybe you're just raging because you have no one to play with?

They wanted it to replace all your worldly goods... They called it the 360 because they wanted it to replace your DVD player, your music player, your everything.

Oh mah gawd D: Supernatural D: Must watch the new episode :D The return of Charlie is very very welcome :D

I like to watch Undercover Boss on tv cus that kind of thing happens alot! It's so awesome when it happens!

Only 400? My friend just logged his 2000th hour. LEGIT! That's constant playing. He doesn't sit on menus and he makes sure to close the game when he's not playing ._.

Relic was my favourite. Despite it being an asymmetrical map, I thought it was the best designed one. I want them to remake that one so much!

That's like the guy who played Hiro in Heroes. The short asian guy who could travel through time. God, he was one of my favourite characters! Now whenever I see him in other shows/movies, I say "HEY! IT'S HIRO!" and my family goes "You're right!" He's a great actor and he always plays his parts really well, but his

Just played them side by side. Up until the Glee one ends, they're the same song. That's disappointing. I dun liek Glee >:(

That was horrifying D:

Well, considering the only multiplayer Halo CE had in it's original form (for the xbox) was splitscreen and system-link (Lan for those of you not familiar with the term), I think it was quite funny that they just put Halo: Reach's multiplayer in instead of make a whole new one. Halo 2's multiplayer was one of my

At least there wasn't quick scoping >.> the whole snap to target as you zoom thing breaks games. I might be wrong though, Halo 2 was one of my favourite games of the series but I never tried QSing on it...

I bought Diablo III for 60$ and only played it for a few hours. The always online thing was the deal breaker. My internet's slow as shit so the lag wasn't fun :( I really wish I could get rid of it, but Blizzard has a really sinister way of doing things.

I absolutely love the look of Commander's Authority! When I first got the card, I couldn't stop looking at it!

"It's in the hand of a different developer and they want to tell their side of the Devil May Cry story. No one's going to have the same tale to tell so it's a little nice to see a change here and again."

Now playing

"[no visible mouth] does take away from connecting to the character, so it's hard to feel good or bad for it."

And then he went on to waste more bandwidth and even TIME just to comment!

In short, this could be a Jezebel article too?

Ohhhh I get what you mean by replaced! Makes sense. I used a thumb tack to replace the battleship I lost. Pulled out the needle and painted it silver. Looked like it was meant to be there.

I'll put it simply: I like dah pussy.