
NO, YOU BITCH! I ALWAYS USE THE THIMBLE!! Getting rid of anything is fucking stupid.

Hold meh!

-cough- Mr. Vega -cough-

Lucky bastard. my fastest I get is 180KB/s. I hate my internet with a passion.

I know your feel. Ever since I watched the Marble Hornets (only got up to Entry 19), I sleep with my door closed. Anything could be hiding in the dark shadows behind an open door! Halp x.x

Considering this isn't an actual video for the game and just something someone slapped together (quite nicely I must say), I don't care that the music is "generic." It's not the official music.

Those are good ones but if you think about it, they're not really to the point. Whenever someone says "I lost my virginity on ____ day," you know they're talking about their sexual virginity. If they aren't, they usually clarify by saying "I lost my ___ virginity on ___ day." I think a good one would be something like

Games Workshop is the company that sells the game. A better way to phrase it would have been "Warhammer game" since Blood Bowl is mostly forgotten, Lord of the Rings is handled by other companies, and don't get me started on Battlefleet Gothic or any of the other side games they have. Warhammer (fantasy or 40K) is

Tau and Nids ftw.

I think motivation is the reason I'm keeping one. As I mentioned closer to the end, I'm going to be handing it to my lady for Christmas, so I want it to have as much in it as I can fit.

I like Borderlands. Always have.

I just finished watching the first part and I'm so intrigued by the whole weirdness of it. I've always been interested in just how different North Korea is but I've never gotten around to looking into it.

Having been writing a journal (Diary sounds a bit to feminine for me) nightly for the past 3 months, I can safely say that while as repetitive and depressing as it is sometimes, it's actually made me feel better. I wish I had started writing one sooner. It allows me to look back at all the fun times I've had an read

What is a word for it then? Gaining.... what? You lose your virginity, but what do you gain? I know you gain something, don't get me wrong, but WHAT do you gain?

Jeez, man. If you feel so strongly about it, then don't buy it; it's as simple as that. I bought two copies of the game (one was 100$ and the other was 65$), then I bought the seasons pass (using a 30$ points card) and the Mechromancer DLC which I should have got free but they ran out of codes (needed to buy an

That's what cosplay is; people playing in costumes...

10 Golden Keys? Sweet Jesus, I need to get this patch!

Think of the world "reality." People care that it's reality because that's what the genre's supposed to be; real people doing real things. I've figured that most reality shows are staged and that's why I don't watch them. I know some people who love watching shows like Survivor and The Bachelor and even Storage Wars,

I don't understand these kind of things ._. by going off of what that woman said, my girlfriend isn't even close to the "perfect" girl I thought she was. The things that that woman were saying were complete and utter bullshit. I have the most beautiful girl in the world and I'm proud to be hers.