
Sadly, I'm getting tired of seeing your posts. If you post less, I'd get more excited for them.


In drivers training half a year ago, the instructor told us to never admit it was your fault until you're proven guilty. No matter what happens, DO NOT apologize.

If this game is anything like Black and White, I would be willing to spend the $40 or so Canadian that it would cost to get the Believer backing.

Note: Notch didn't do the artwork.

There's a contest going on called the "Machinima Interactive Film Festival." People submit live action shorts to this contest and people vote which one they like like the most. The one that wins the most votes gets a prize (I think money and support from someone).

I hope by acting skills, you mean tits.

I didn't like Dragonball for the longest time. As a kid I kind of watched the anime when it was on the list of Saturday morning cartoons (FoxBox ftw!) but I never really followed the story. Two years ago, because I didn't have anything else to read, I decided I might as well try Dragonball's manga (Anime is bad for me

I would be delirious if I had a Lego minifigure made after me that sold in a major Lego set. Like, I wish I could get famous just for that! That would make my life!

I stopped playing RDR when I was far into Mexico... It's not because of the usual "OMG SO MUCH MORE TO DO" reasons, but rather I had the ending spoiled for me by someone who doesn't play the game. It was awful and I cried at the news.

Play it. You'll find out why. I got really far into Mexico then quit for reasons not related to the main reason.


I figured as much :P I just wanted to toss that out there :D

Thanks for the fast response! I read it earlier but didn't have the time to comment. I may have mislead you and everyone else when I said "this was kind of completely based off me." I should not have used the word "completely" because I do infact have a girlfriend that I've been talking to online (yea, online. we

Thanks to the response. When I was a little kid, my dad said some things that put masturbation in a negative light, so I always figured it was a frowned upon thing. This view is changing a bit lately though.

Luckily for you, this is in First-Person point of view!

If a guy starts off with little interest in sex then after a while (a few weeks/months?) he starts thinking about it more and more, would he be classified as Nice Guy?

Is that a very good attempt at a penis reference?

Oh god, I hope it's not for the reason I think it is... What's the real reason? Should I ask? Should I know? Is it best not to know? Help D:

Yay for realism?