
I think they went a tad overboard with the whole "kill yourselves" message... I don't like Tumblr and I think people who take pictures of every little thing just to post it on the internet is a bit lame, but to tell them to go die? Meh. I think a simple "TUMBLR! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? TUMBLR! STAHP!" message would have

Dunno. I want to upgrade to an HD tv for my desk's tv but sadly I haz nu munee :( To answer your first question, the aviator ones can fit over your glasses. I tried them on in the store. They're not heavy at all compared to my Oakleys.

I skimmed it and I was also displeased at the lack of giant man crushing robots playing football. I wanted a laugh :(

They're allowing a guy to put a mod out for a new Timesplitters game. They're even giving him the original files for sounds and animations and characters and stuff apparently. It's pretty good, but all the guy needs to do is put a team together to do it.

My brother saw the email and showed it to me. He was like "Should I click it...? I'm scared..."

I know from experience that an SD tv is worse for your eyes than an HD one when it comes to gaming; especially when you're sitting closer than 8 feet. The low quality makes you look at it a different way by focusing more (or something...). I don't know if there's proof, but I can look at a 47" LCD 3D tv from 10 feet

The other day, my dad told me and my brother that if we watch porn, we gotta share (wtf?). He regrets it.

I use PayPal a lot and I have absolutely no problem with it. I don't even understand why you're calling them that...

You just contradicted yourself...

It's always night time somewhere in the world... No matter what time he posted, someone's not safe D: You were just one of the unlucky ones.

Sounds great :D I'm downloading it on Steam right now and from the responses of people, it sounds like it's a cool game! MAG for the Playstation 3 had 256 players online in one game (one team versus another), so I know how awesome large scale battles can get.

That sounds awesome O.O I just realized it's free to download and free to play, so I'm in the process of downloading it. I'm watching some of the videos on Steam and it looks REALLY detailed too! Good graphics!

I haven't read anything about PlanetSide2 so I don't know much about it, but what's the allure of an MMOFPS? Is it similar to Borderlands where you can level up and do quests and kill monsters (and in this case, players), or is it like a constant game of MAG (PS3) where it's a first person shooter with hundreds of

Thanks, I'll write it down and look it up.

I had the luck of watching Powerpuff Girls when I was really young, so I enjoyed it and still do because of the memories of waking up early to watch it and other cartoons on Saturday. I don't remember any show of My Little Pony so, as a 20 year old guy, there's no nostalgia involved. I do remember the toys though...

Yea, some other guys have pointed out that those were two bad characters and there's smarter and more interesting male characters than just them.

Well, that's good to know! I guess I can give it another chance, but that will come when I've got nothing else to do and it's on at the same time that nothing else is.

I haven't watched the anime, but I got the complete collection of the manga for my girlfriend as a present (she loved the anime but hasn't read the manga yet) and I've only read a few of the pages. I laughed, but from what I saw, the guys weren't completely retarded. (I think the one I saw was a guy... he had this

I dunno what the name was, but there was this unicorn pony (I think her name was twilight?) or something that had magic powers and she didn't tell anyone but this little dragon thing kept telling her she should show off. There was also this other magical unicorn that was in town gloating about how she killed (this is

I don't know the reasons why others hate it, but this is mine: I watched ONE episode and was completely disgusted with it. Little girls and boys would find it funny, but when you become older than 8, you should realize that the male characters in it are portrayed as mentally retarded hicks. I can imagine how girls of