
Women, eh?

I think the lack of spaces is just to save some room for more letters. Maybe a 16 digit limit? My gamertag was made 4 or so years ago and I have spaces in it. It's "a solid object"

That made me laugh so hard! I think that's hilarious and so unique!

The toothpicks in the cake is to make sure it's not sticky or gooey. If a clean toothpick can be inserted into the center of a cake (not into an already tested hole) and pulled out without getting dirty, that means the cake is done. If it doesn't, leave it in the oven for longer. It's not a thing that you just poke in

I joined Xbox Live originally when Halo 2 had just come out and I used the name AtomGuy because I was like.... 12 (don't worry, I didn't have a mic) and didn't know a good name from a bad one. Also, I didn't think of any cool ideas prior to the name selection, so yea... Then at some point I got bored of the name and

I always wondered where all the god damn ketchup goes after my brother makes pizza. I thought it was just a coincidence!

There's a Target coming to West Edmonton Mall soon. I got really excited :D Target's like a better version of Wal-Mart :D

Oh god *-* I went to the tumblr and Jesus, it's fucking hilarious! I can't stop reading these! Thank you, Patricia for making my week!


And that's why I loved Black and White. For me, it was the best God game ever.

I want to get it, but the placement of the heads is bad. This is more of a decoration piece than something you'd actually want to use. When you slap your bindings onto that, it will most likely cover part of Garrus' or FemShep's head, and at least part of the N7.

I have a portable paint/build station for my hobby, Warhammer, and whenever I forget to put it away when friends come over, they say things like "Wow! You look like you do some serious shit with that!" because it's covered with paint spills and some dried piles of glue along with whatever models I'm working on, about

I hate PETA because they jump to conclusions and they research jack shit before they make a move. Ever seen this picture? Team Plasma, in the beginning of Pokemon:Black/White, is a team that has the goal of "liberating Pokemon from their trainer's tyrannical control so they can be treated better" or something like

Shiiiiit xD after wondering why you were laughing, I double checked the Ouya controller x.x my bad! That explains why I didn't see an Ouya comment!

The Wii U Pro is like that? Awesome. So is Ouya. I haven't seen an Ouya comment yet, so I'm leaving one here.

I've always wondered if they actually do read their posts over to double check. I know I do most of the time I post a comment.

He was on his way back from a recording. The difference CoD's is to Halo's is that Call of Duty is already working and planning for the next game. Halo just has some games planned.

Sorry, I like talking about why I don't like CoD. I get a little carried away.

I don't remember a time when people were hating on Halo... Maybe it was before I had access to my parent's computer and started finding video game news sites.