Adorabeezle Winterpop

“There are members of Congress, current and former, who have rubbed up against women and who have put their tongues in their mouths uninvited.”

She also said to stop calling it sexual assault because Trump didn’t say the words “sexual assault” in the tape.

It’s been pretty well documented that Trump can’t focus on an issue for more than 20 minutes - probably a case of ADD that has never been treated, other than with cocaine.

NBC did edit the version of the tape they released/reported on to minimize Bush’s involvement. They cut most of this lines and in one instance attributed something Bush said to someone else.

Just sharing.

It’s very invasive, very bullying body language. Fortunately, Clinton is unfazed by such schoolyard tactics, but that doesn’t make him any less creepy for doing it.

Trump again offered no real apology for “the tape” and again likened it to something all men do. His surrogates have been pushing that line all day. It’s just “locker room talk “ and therefore, somehow, harmless.

Remember when Al Gore sighed and said something about the internet and how it helped to ruin his campaign? Or remember Mitt and his “binders of women” comment? How is it that Trump has managed to skate by and bounce back from much worse?

That moment where he went up right behind her and just stood there staring while she talked made me so uncomfortable. I watched with a bunch of friends and all the women thought it was so creepy and none of the men could understand why.

I’m meant to be talking tomorrow on the dichotomy of Trump’ non verbal threats (and as for this debate, actual threats) towards Hillary and other women and the cautious response of those women. I’ll also be talking about specifically about H’s management and deflection of this aggression.

When she kept going without flinching, without stepping away, without showing any discomfort or breaking even for a second while he intimidatingly loomed up behind her I honestly choked up. I know that feeling of a large man standing too close for you, and how hard it is to train yourself not to react. Hillary is made

Somehow, after 95 minutes during which Trump could not articulate a single cohesive policy statement or, for that matter any complete sentence; after he threatened to go Mussolini on her and throw her in jail if he wins; admitted to not paying taxes - and MSNBC and CNN are calling a draw. Did they watch the same

Because a special prosecutor has intelligence gathering capabilities far beyond that of the F.B.I.?

The only proper answer to the question, “Do you mind if I call your daughter a piece of ass?” is “You’re going to be having a hard time calling anyone anything without any fucking teeth.”

He probably wishes it was, so there would be no more memes of him looking like he’s dying from the inside.

Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.

Yeah, this “apology” is bullshite. An apology does not include a “Yeah BUT so and so did this.” A sincere apology is a form of humbling yourself, and not bringing up anyone else’s actions.

Guys, we don’t WANT them to withdraw their support of Trump. We don’t want them to all say Trump should step down, and Pence should be at the top of the ticket. We don’t WANT Pence at the top of the ticket. We want to keep Trump there.

Question: if he drops out, does Pence become the nominee on ballots? Does Pence choose whatever VP he wants?

......But none of them will denounce their support of Trump. My god, how fucking slimy and greedy do you have to be to want a Republican in the White House?