
It doesn’t matter what you call this thing, it’s gorgeous either way.

Insanely high beltlines. All of the decades in advancement of safety, and this is what they come up with? I mean sure, more metal, more passive safety and all that jazz...But then you’re like driving around a bunker that you can’t see out of. So it’s like one step forward, two steps back.

Evo covered a little of this in their “analog supercars” video which is worth a watch anyhow. A lot of it was the styling.

Here is 997 GT3 CUP for $80K

If I were a young dad shuttling around some kids on weekends and driving to the office on weekdays, I’d want one of these. Every.Single.Time.

You forgot the best one...

hey nooow!

I cannot understand ze confusion. Ze zystem makes perfect zense, you Americans are too shtupid to understand ze brilliance!

I usually love the look of race cars based on street cars...but dare I say that the BMW is just too far, its just too much. I know its all functional but it has crossed over into the comically, ridiculously, ugly, point with all that going on.

Anybody got any lotion? Or tissues? Please?

Good choice with the Gallardo.

“Hey, remember when my parents got divorced in our senior year? Well, my mom started dating this really cool guy named Steve, and he gave me this after graduation. Took a while to get all the dents out, but it’s pretty cool.”

I’d say a red LaFerrari. Because fuck ‘em. FBGM.

Jesus, this article is impossible not to laugh at.

Porsche 911.

The reason you’re wrong is this, not all offices have that shitty bosses and corporate backstabbing culture. I spent 6 years in an office that did getting underpaid and then I got my current job at Nissan and while the job isn’t the greatest it pays pretty well for what I do and the people are really great. Also that

Contrary to popular belief, the answer is this: they work really, really hard over a long period of time.

For me it would depend almost entirely on the salary. If Option A pays twice as much as option B, stay with option A. Option B isn’t good enough to justify the switch (IMO).