
Dear god, why?

More like Betsy Duhvos, right guys?

That's what she said. (That's still relevant, right?)

Didn't even hear a whole song first, just one note and BOOM, instant fan.

This should have way more upvotes.

Please come back.

Well we're dealing with a person who did it basically because people said he couldn't. I don't know much about the Kardashians, but don't they marry athletes and shit? Like people who have some sort of talent or skill? I can't imagine guys like that being quite as insecure.

And he never invented anything as cool as Opti-Grab.

How has he not received a massive beating? Has he? Is it on tape somewhere that I can loop it for the next four years? Just one punch to the mouth is all I ask for.

He is a garbage dump of a human being and everything he does is the absolute worst. The ONLY thing keeping him from being the actual worst living person is that he hasn't actually personally killed anyone…yet….that we know of.

I recently bought a lamb chop dog toy. So…there's that.

And who desecrates a pint glass with Budweiser swill.

This is my favorite new twitter feed by a landslide.

Donald Trump is a hat full of farts.

Well he didn't want to upgrade that plane. Maybe it'll just fall out of the sky and take them all out.


This is my favorite thing in the whole god damn world.

Dude I wish for that all the time. Many better and younger people have gone recently. Why can't he just stroke out already?

How is this not already happening?

That should tell you something.