Don Vito & The GDMF's

Where did Theon and Yara cut through Westeros to get to Essos? Or did they go south and sailed around Dorne?

So no more giants left in the world?

I think Varys is secretly a Targaryen. The Whole Eunuch thing is a cover up story. Also, he has no hair because he has the silver hair.

If Tommen Dies, Who would be the Heir? and who would get his Valyrian Sword?

ahhhh, wow they are going to blow up the city!! just like in brans vision

Can someone please tell me what Maester Qyburn was talking about with the Little Birds?

Did anyone notice Tyrion almost told the story of bringing a Jackass to a brothel? He almost told Lysa in season 1. I wonder if we will ever get to hear the full story.

Varys hasn't met Daenerys on screen yet, now they still won't meet since Varys is on a mission.

Is the Brotherhood planning to fight The White Walkers?

Yo momma so fat a dragon took one look and made a pig roast. Dracarys motherfucker!

This episode was the calm before the storm.

What was it that Qyburn was talking about to Cersei?

I am so scared that Tormund And/Or Wun Wun could die next episode.

Littlefinger probably hired him to stalk Arya since Littlefinger saw her Cup-bearing for Tywin at Harrenhal.

What is gods plan for The Hound?

Arya Got the money from selling OYSTERS, CLAMS, AND COCKEEEEELS!!!!

Since Sansa has been tortured so much during her life, i believe she has it in her blood to be a complete bitch. Do we see a bitch Sansa on the horizon?

I was expecting Ian Mcshane was going to have a big multiple episode role. Turns out i loved his role, i enjoyed it tremendously and The Hound is such a more important character now.

Do Direwolves swim? How would Nymeria be in Essos?

Bastards are allowed to be heirs to the Throne? if so then yes, Gendry is the true heir to the throne.