Don Vito & The GDMF's

and betrayed Sansa

yes. He has a lot of power now. Why use it on Littlefinger? What would make Bran want to use it on Littlefinger?

Does Bran even know who Littlefinger is?

Don't worry about Arya, She will get the Maester behind the rock treatment like her buddy The Hound.


Recruiting Little Birds

Is Wun Wun the last living giant? Would he eventually die? How would he die? Could he be the next Hand Of The King? Will Daenerys have babies with him? I NEED ANSWERS!!!

Screw that guy lol

Do you see The Night King sitting on that Iron Throne when Daenerys crosses The Narrow Sea? If he is that would mean just about everybody in Westeros is dead.

Syrio! lol. that would be amazing! I was thinking Gendry, since he rowed away from Dragonstone, and its a solid row near Braavos.

if Tommen dies, who will be heir to the throne?
Who would Daenerys rival against when she crosses the Narrow Sea?
Who would collect Tommen's Valyrian Sword?
Cersei is way to important to kill off at this point.

Arya will definitely need some help from someone. Who? Would it be a familiar face?

They didn't want to freak the child out.

I could see Jorah The Andal traveling to Asshai to maybe find a cure for his troubles. I would love to see what Asshai looks like.

What if Lady Mormont realizes that Jon's Sword belongs to her? Jon's Sword has been in the Mormont Family for centuries.

There are theories that The Hound will be the one to face The Mountain in Cersei's Trial By Combat. How would The Hound find himself back in Kings Landing? I do not see him having a reason in returning. Also, it looks like he is about to kill some Brothers Without Banners.

Theres that Daggar from Season one that Valyrian Steel. Also One That belongs to the Corbray Family. The Corbray's are sworn to House Arryn.

I think Shaggy Dog is not dead. Small Jon's father was a big supporter of the Stark Family. Why keep Osha alive? Small Jon kept her alive to try to kill Ramsay, but she failed. Besides, that head Small Jon put on the table was way smaller than a actual head of a Direwolf.

When Cersei demands a Trial By Combat, Who will The Mountain fight against? I have a feeling Tommen.

Since The Night King touched Bran and left a mark on him, Will The Night King know where Bran is all the time now?