Don Vito & The GDMF's

Tormund and The Hound will die together by The Night King

This Album is Incredible. I love every single song. The ones that i really like are Cynical, Los Angeles, Sober, Left Alone & Rabbit Hole. I am 22yrs old and Blink-182 has been my absolute favorite band since i was 9yrs old. I have always liked Mark more than Tom. Tom makes great music and i love AVA, But i feel Tom

You better be right. The more commotion the better

yes indeed

Bran needs to tell Jon who he really is

Then Nobody stands a chance

Maybe Melisandre could run into Arya or Jorah.

Looks like there will be a Fatal-4-Way for Westeros.

Can someone remind me whose fathered the baby Lyanna Stark had?
was is Rhaegar or Robert? I'm trying to remember what was said in that scene.

So who gets Tommen's Valyrian Sword?

That's like The Yankees asking The Red Sox to help them win the World Series

I have come to realize that anyone who says GoT sucks either never saw an episode and is too stubborn to even try it or is just simply dead from the neck up.

so how will The White Walkers & The Army Of The Dead get past The Wall? Will the season end with The Wall being Destroyed? Will Daenerys make it to Westeros before The White Walkers make it past The Wall?

omg, what it all them dead bodies from that battle turn into wights? why wouldn't it happen since Winter is Here?

Jon Snow killed my best friends!

Its sad, them Giants were only trying to make a living and now they are dead. :(


Who is Varys Planning to meet with? He said they need ships, and i can only think of the Greyjoys to have Ships and they are already there. Now Varys is going to deal with Euron and its going to cause a commotion.

Wun Wun was one of those characters you can really root for.

wow you brought reality into this. lol