Don Vito & The GDMF's

Maybe bran will go to Winterfell when Jon takes over and sit in the Wierwood Tree there.

She had that stone. Maybe all the people from Aasshai are old. The Milkweed Grass makes them all look old……. interesting theory

Where is Bronn these days? Is he even still alive?

Sam gave Dragonglass to Bran himself.

Now Jon and Dany each have their own Red Woman now for their war.

If i wanted joke answers, i would be on the newbie page. lmao jk

Why Dorne?

When will the White Walkers finally go south?

Where will bran go now? Any Ideas?

Did all the Children Of The Forest Die?

So now there are only 3 White Walkers Left? The show started off with 6
One Killed By Sam
One Killed By Jon
One Killed By Meera

Or was is the Dragonglass Sam gave to him?

We saw a White Walker shattered. Was that the Valyrian Steel Daggar from season 1? Bran had it all along?

How do you think he will die?

As we have learned that Valyrian Steel Swords kill White Walkers.
As of now the only whereabouts of Valyrian Steel Swords are with…
Jon Snow
and a Dagger from season 1. Who possesses that Dagger now?

Now there are only 3 Stark Direwolves left.
Jon's Ghost with Jon
Bran's Summer with Bran
And Arya's Nymeria at unknown whereabouts. Will we ever see Nymeria again?

Where would jon snow go?

He's got some trick up his sleeve and it will pay off. Something will probably get in the way though.

I liked him since season 1. He was just a great character. The speech was awesome thou. It gave me goosebumps.

I believe he is at the Eyrie calling shots. Training Robyn to become a lord.