Don Vito & The GDMF's

I am very sad to see Thorne die. I guess he did deserve it. I'm just happy he went out with honor. He will probably go down in my top 5 favorite characters from the series.

Bronn? Isn't he still in Dorne?

Sansa will arrive at Castle Black and she will tell Jon Snow what Ramsay has done to her. Jon will lead his companions and the Free Folk to takeover Winterfell.

My Prediction is that the White Walkers will conquer Castle Black. Jon Snow will lead his companions such as Davos, the Red Woman, Sansa, Brienne, his Crow brothers, and the wildlings down south.

Walder Frey is going to be pissed about his dead daughter. Bastards are dumb. Ramsay will die soon.

I saw the Preview for the new episode. Looks like Bran is going to have another Ned flashback and this time it looks like its going to be at the Tower Of Joy. Everybody is familiar with the Rheagar and Lyanna theory at the Tower Of Joy, but i have heard of a theory within a theory that involves Hodor. Hodor was there

wow they weren't kidding when they said they were going back to the roots.